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The answer to this question is because of the efficiency of different pigments to absorb light of different wavelengths. For example, the pigment in red algae can absorb blue-green light that penetrates to greater depths.

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Q: Why red and brown algae are able to live at greater depths in the ocean?
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Why aren't marine algae found at depths below 200?

Because algae is so numerous in the ocean

Why aren't marine algae found at depths below 200 m?

Because algae is so numerous in the ocean

Why are algae of different colours?

Yes, Brown algae differs from Red and Green algae because Brown algae is used as a thickener in alot of foods. Red and Green algae are used for most of the time for fish and other underwater animals to eat.

The reason corals do not grow at great depths in the ocean is?

Because their symbiotic algae are photosynthetic and require light and warmth from the sun.

Why does blue-green algae have trouble surviving in the deepest part of the ocean algae is a sea animal and where does it live at in the ocean and why does it stay up at the shore surface?

Blue green algae like most plant life require photosynthesis to live. Which means they need light. There is no light in the depths of the ocean bottom. The more light and nutrients, the more algae.

A huge forest of giant brown algae in the coastal ocean is a?

kelp forests

Why can red algae live at a greater depth in the ocean than other forms of algae?

Well red algae needs to photosynthesise to stay alive, so it needs to be within the range of the sun. If it does grow deeper than other algal species it may be because it can detect light better than others.

Would you name at least 6 commonly known ocean plants?

Seaweed, seagrass, kelp, green algae, red algae and brown algae are six commonly-known ocean plants. Plants, or producers, are vital to the health of ocean ecosystems and serve as a food source to higher organisms.

Why can't green algae survive in deep water?

Marine algae are photosynthetic. At depths below 200m there is very little sunlight which would make photosynthesis extremely difficult.

Can brown algae live 175 meters deep in the ocean?

yes, actually 200 meters :P

Red algae can live at great depths in the ocean becaue they are very efficient at absorbing?

yes they can absorb blue and black chloroplasts which are the only chloroplasts found deep in the ocean, many fish can't. I'm not sure if that's true but they can live in great depths because of their ability to harvest light energy.

Is algae a consumer of the ocean?

yes I sw algae in ocean water. Algae grew on my ocean watered plants during a science expirement