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Q: Why ribs play major role in respiration in woman?
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What did the women ribs play the major role in respiration?

the bayyas r large

Is a woman created by Adam in his right ribs?

In the biblical story, it is said that God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs, not in his right ribs specifically. This story is symbolic rather than literal, representing the idea that woman is created as equal and complementary to man.

What are the major components of the thoracic?

sternum and ribs

How many ribs are there in a man and woman?

There are normally 24 ribs (12 pairs) in a male human rib cage and the same in a female human rib cage, so the total in a man and a woman would be 48 ribs.

How many rib bones in women?

Every woman has 12 ribs on each side therefore, they have 24 ribs.

Can a man crush a woman's ribs in a bear hug?

No in that case each lady would be having fractured ribs.

What is the structure that attaches the ribs to the sternum?

Cartilage is the structure that attaches the ribs to the sternum. Together with the ribs, the sternum protects major organs like the heart.

What are the 2 main types of muscles in respiration and how do they work?

muscle of respiration: diaphragm, external intercostrals and internal intercostrals - internal intercostral- pull ribs up and out - external intercostrals- pull ribs down and in - diaphragm-contracts in preparation for sneezing,coughing,crying,laughing and weight lifting.

What did the Hohokam's play?

steak n ribs

What is the muscle that raises and lowers the ribs?

pectoralis major

Where is a woman's heart located?

To the left of the body behind the lower ribs

What sport did the Hohokam play?

steak n ribs