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so you don't trash the class room

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Q: Why school should not regulate what students eat or drink at school?
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Related questions

What can be done to make students in school to drink water?

have water fountins!

Is it illegal for a teacher not to let a student get a drink in AZ?

Teachers act in loco parentis in the classroom. This is a Latin phrase which means "in the place of the parents" or "instead of the parents." It means that teachers are the guardians of the students at school. Generally, they are allowed to direct student behavior in a way that a parent would, generally for the safety of the student and in the context of the school rules. You seem to be asking if a student has the right to leave the classroom to get a drink of water during class. The teacher can probably regulate this. You would have to check the school handbook to find out if students have the right to drink (water?) during class or to leave class in order to get a drink of water. My guess is that it is up to the teacher.

Why should you drink water in school?

well you should drink it in school coz the teachers willney let yah drink dah fizzy stuff Lol mee Gonneee Tah tah :) xx YBR YMR

What state has a law on the books that prohibits a person from sipping a carbonated drink while lecturing students in a school auditorium?


How much milk should a 13 year old girl drink per day?

You should drink 3 glasses of milk daily. Im 13 and I drink a glass for breakfast, lunch/after school, and dinner :)

What should be packed for kids in a school lunch?

a sandwich, drink, treat, chips or oreo's

What are uses of hormones?

they are chemical messengers that regulate the metabolism and the growth.

How do you write a pledge?

A pledge is written as a promise to do something. It can also be a promise not to do something. For example, many high school students sign a pledge not to drink during Prom.

How does the body regulate excess sodium?

Some of it comes out in sweat. It balances out if you drink enough water.

Why should a school have a vending machine?

Some people might not have breakfast, so when they are hungry they can eat and drink.

Should sodas be sold to school and why?

So that children can have something sweet to drink and because it tastes good.

Can a teacher be allowed to drink alocohol and smoke with his students outside the school premises Is this against their code of ethics as a teacher Can i report this incident to the school admin.?

Interacting in activities such as this is crossing an ethical line between staff and student, especially if the students are under age. You can report this to school administration, but be sure it is not hearsay.