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to ensure independence of the organs of state in their function, personnel and non interference among them

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12y ago

The western politics largely pressurized the multipartism democracy in Tanzania that is all she was not ready by the time.

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Q: Why separation of power in Tanzania?
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What is Applicability of doctrine of separation of power in Tanzania?

The doctrine of separation of powers in tanzania is applicable but it is not practicable because our constitution has given the president alot of powers while they were suppose to work on their own the power of president should reduced in order to have good separation of power in tanzania.

How many pages does Separation of Power have?

Separation of Power has 368 pages.

When was Separation of Power created?

Separation of Power was created on 2001-10-01.

What European colonial power did Tanzania gain independence from in 1961?

Tanzania got independence in 1964 from the British.

What European power owned Tanzania?

The United Kingdom

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How is the separation of power prevents the abuse of power?

separation of powers means political The concept of "separation of powers" divides the power of the federal government between the three branches (executive, legislative, judicial) so that the federal government cannot abuse its power. The system of checks and balances guarantees the separation of powers.

The country of Tanzania gained independence from what European colonial power in 1961?

The country that Tanzania gained independence from in 1961 was Great Britain.

How would you use separation of power in a sentence?

Separation of power means that the secular government is not supposed to be involved with the religious government, and vice versa. Here are some sentences.Separation of power means that the government should not be influenced by any one church.Because of separation of power, the church is free to make its own laws for worshippers.America is founded on the idea of freedom, so we have separation of power.

Example that is not a separation of power in the constitution?

Ex:i got the power

What is the importance of separation of power?

Separation of powers is important because it prevent any group or institution in the government from gaining too much power.

The separation of powers is the way of dividing the power and responsibility of the government this plane for separation is found in?

The Constitution