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From many Researches we came to know that the back sleep position is safe for all babies. The back sleep carries the lowest risk of your child.

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Q: Why should I place my baby on his or her back to sleep?
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Should you lay a baby on their tummy to sleep?

No, they could suffocate. You have to lay them on their back to sleep.

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because that baby could go to sleep

Why does a baby sleep on its back?

Babies should sleep on their back or their side if they like to roll to the side. This was determined after research on sudden infant deaths and suffocatings. It is also more comfortable for the child not to lay on a full or gassy belly. See your pediatrician if you are concerned. I kept my baby on her back long before they recommended it.

How do you get a baby to go to bed?

You can rock the baby to sleep or sing to the baby or sway back and forth.. be creative!

Should you sleep on the floor with a hurt back?

That wouldn't be the best idea, you should sleep in a bed or a couch at least.

Can you get back problems if you sleep in skinny jeans?

Why would you sleep on them in the first place? <- thats a better question

Can a 5 month old sleep on his stomach?

To reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), experts recommend that you place your baby on his back when you put him down to sleep during his first year. The risk of SIDS peaks between 1 and 4 months of age but remains a threat until babies are 12 months.Once your baby is strong enough to roll from back to front and front to back by himself, you don't need to worry about him rolling onto his stomach during sleep. But you should still put him down to sleep on his back until he is a year old.Of course, you'll also want to follow other precautions to reduce the risk of SIDSthroughout your baby's first year. Make sure his mattress is firm with just a fitted sheet over it and there's nothing else in his crib - no pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, or even crib bumpers. Don't overheat the room or overdress your baby, and don't let anyone smoke near him.Preventing SIDS is the most important reason to put your baby to sleep on her back, but a study published in 2003 in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found other benefits, too: Infants who sleep on their back suffer from fewer ear infections, fevers, and stuffy noses than babies who sleep in other positions.By the way, there's no need to worry that your baby is more likely to choke or aspirate (if she spits up, for example) while she's on her back. Studies have shown that there is no increase in the likelihood of this happening to a baby sleeping on her back.

Will a rocking chair help with a baby drifting off to sleep?

Rocking chairs are an ideal way to rock a baby to sleep. The closeness of being held and the repetitive back and forth motion soothes the baby and relaxes the mother too.

Is it safe for babies to sleep on their back?

I think they should because they aren't supposed to sleep on their face.