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Caves with prehistoric paintings are valuable archaeological sites that provide insights into early human cultures and artistic expressions. By keeping them undisturbed, we preserve these unique cultural treasures for future generations to study and appreciate. Any disturbance or damage could result in the loss of important historical information and artwork.

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Q: Why should caves with prehistoric paintings be undisturbed?
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Where have all prehistoric paintings been found?

Usually in caves.

What country can you find prehistoric paintings in Chauvet and Lascaux caves?

You can find prehistoric paintings in Chauvet Cave and Lascaux Cave in France.

What country will you find prehistoric paintings in chauvet and lascaux caves?

You will find prehistoric paintings in the Chauvet Cave in France. Lascaux Cave is also in France and is known for its famous prehistoric cave paintings.

What is Altamira Spain famous for?

The Altamira caves are famous for prehistoric cave paintings.

What type of paintings is rare in prehistoric cave art discoveries?

In Europe there are such paintings in some French caves (e.g. Lascaux), in Spain Altamira Cave, in Russia in the Ural mountain caves.

What does altamira caves look like?

The Altamira caves contain prehistoric paintings created by early humans. The paintings depict various animals, such as bison, horses, and deer, as well as geometric shapes. The art is predominantly found on the ceiling and upper walls of the caves.

Where are the caves of Lascaux in Africa located?

The caves of Lascaux are not located in Africa; they are in southwestern France. The Lascaux caves are famous for their prehistoric cave paintings, which are some of the oldest and best preserved in the world.

Which area of the caves were the prehistoric painting found what does their location indicate?

The prehistoric paintings were found in the deepest, darkest, and most remote sections of the caves. This indicates that the ancient artists likely chose these locations intentionally, possibly for spiritual or ritualistic reasons.

How many Paleolithic caves are thought to be around Lascaux?

There are about 600 Paleolithic caves around Lascaux in France. However, the most famous one is the Lascaux cave itself, known for its prehistoric cave paintings.

What did prehistoric people live in?


How did prehistoric man use caves?

They slept in them.

Who closed the caves of lascaux?

The caves of Lascaux were closed to the public in 1963 by the French government to protect the prehistoric cave paintings from damage caused by increasing visitor numbers. A replica cave, known as Lascaux II, was opened nearby to allow visitors to experience the paintings without the risk of harm to the originals.