

Why should fossil should be use with care?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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Fossils are an amazing part of history, if you dont handle them with care, scientists wont find out more about the early world and what lived there.

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Q: Why should fossil should be use with care?
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we should minimize the use of fossil fuels and we should use carpools as well as as drive at a moderate speed. we should try to reduce the use of these fossil fuels that might help us in our future & we should use these fossil fuels carefully.

Why should you be careful when you find a fossil?

You should handle a fossil with care because they are very old and delicate.

How do you use fossil in a sentence?

If you want to see a fossil, you should go to a museum.

Why should you stop using fossil fuels?

There will eventually be no fossil fuels to use in the world.

Why should people not use fossil fuels forever?

Perhaps people should limit their use of fossil fuels because of environmental concerns. Where technology exists to replace machines that use fossil fuels, solar or wind are now viable options.

What should you use instead of fossil fuels?

We use fossil fuels all the time and we will keep using them. You should really just cut back on how many fossil fuels you are using. Unplug plugs when your not using them etc, etc I hope this helped

Why you should use renewable energy?

You should use renewable energy because it save the world by causing less pollution and it also saves us from using fossil fuels which produces the pollution.Thats why we should use less fossil fuels and more renewable energy :)

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Most countries burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.If they used solar power to generate electricity, thenThey would not have to use so much fossil fuel.Solar Energy itself does not reduce the use of fossil fuels. But the use of solar energy should hopefully reduce the need of fossil fuels to create energy, so therefore the more we can use solar power as an energy source instead of fossil fuels, the more we reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Why should fossil fuels be conserved renewable energy sources are available?

Renewable energy cannot, at present, replace fossil fuels or our use of them.

Why should you use petrol and diesel with care?

we should use petrol and diesel with care because it can cause fire and many can get injured.

Do you use fossil fuels in Canada?

Yes they use fossil use in Canada.

What can you do about the affects of fossil fuels?

I believe everyone. Let me explain. We can debate how much fossil fuels remain, but the fact is that these (oil, natural gas and coal) are limited resources. I would rephase the question to: Who should not waste fossil fuels? Then, everyone (consumers and industries) need to use fossil fuels to obtain the most benefit and not waste them.