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Q: Why should hair be kept damp during blowdrying drying?
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Why hair should be kept damp during the blow drying and finger drying processes?

Hair should always be damp when drying as when the hair is wet the hydrogen bonds are broken down and this makes it alot easier to shape and style the hair as desired x

Why should hair be kept damp during the blow drying and finger drying processes?

Hair should always be damp when drying as when the hair is wet the hydrogen bonds are broken down and this makes it alot easier to shape and style the hair as desired x

Why do isopods prefer cool damp areas?

Because of their soft undersides isopods prefer to stay in cool damp areas to prevent them from drying out

How damp electrode can be detected?

Pre dry unusually damp electrodes for 30 - 45 minutes before final drying to minimize cracking of the coating that format.

What is the opposite of dry?

The opposite is wet, or the similar words moist, damp, or humid.

How do you get your hair to be shiny?

Besides using shine serums, oils, or sprays, you can try using leave in conditioner. For spray-in conditioners, lightly spray in damp hair before blow drying. While blowdrying (whether you use a product or not) make sure you blowdry your hair COMPLETELY. Hair goes from being wet to damp to almost dry (and frizzy) to dry to dry and SHINY. And that's what you want. Enjoy Also, if you wash your hair every day, it dries out the natural oils. Try washing every other day and only conditioning or just wetting your hair with cold water on the other days.

Will hot glue stick to a damp cold metal tub?

No it won't. Try warming and drying the metal with a hairdryer or heat gun first.

Can I walk on the carpet after cleaning?

It is imperative to reduce use of the carpet until dry, but light use during the drying process is fine. It is utterly safe to walk on the carpet as long as you’re feet or shoes are clean. Also for the first few hours of drying you require to take care walking from damp carpet onto hard surfaces to avoid slipping.

Can you put a damp horse back in its stall on a hot day without thoroughly drying it?

yes. it well help keep ze horse cool i guess.........

Why should you dry an iron skillet immediately after washing?

Iron left damp and exposed to oxygen is prone to rust as the iron, water and air react to oxidize iron at the surface of the pan. Drying an iron skillet immediately after washing helps to protect the skillet from rusting.

What are the disadvantages of wood seasoning?

Wood seasoning or drying reduces the moisture content of wood. If the wood is dried to quickly it will shrink at the surface and compress the damp interior.

Damp dressing for a wound?

A wound should have a clean dry dressing unless specified by a doctor to have a damp dressing. The damp dressing may encourage bacterial growth and increase risk of infection.