

Why should immigrants carry their papers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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So the government can check for past charges on drugs or crime in the country they were in.

Also so that they don't terrorize the country.

So they should carry their papers!
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Yes I believe so. But in some countries you need papers to be a citizen.

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Yes I believe so. But in some countries you need papers to be a citizen.

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What process does immigrants go through to get their papers?

well there is actually no process unless you marry someone who is an American or unless the president gives papers to all immigrants which is somehting that rare happends becasue the last the happend was in 1985 well there is actually no process unless you marry someone who is an American or unless the president gives papers to all immigrants which is somehting that rare happends becasue the last the happend was in 1985

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Immigrants had to go to Ellis Island because they had to take a test, check if their sick, and get the papers this usually took a really long time.

Are ALL illegal immigrants criminals?

No, but it IS illegal to enter another country without proper papers and documentation.

Are adults required to carry identification?

No. There is no law that states you must "carry your papers". You must carry a drivers license only when you are operating a motor vehicle.

Where can I get halloween papers?

Any good craft store or stationery shop should carry it. Michael's is really good, but Wal-Mart and Target also carry craft/paper items. Another source is office supply stores.