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Q: Why should people be cautious in making claims that northwen victory was to foregone conclusion?
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What was the expected outcome from Germany in World War 1?

For most Germans, victory in World War 1 was a foregone conclusion. This added to the insult of the perceived harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

How did the civil war get affected by the cold harbor battle?

It only delayed the outcome of the Civil War, this being the last major victory of the Confederate army. But the power of Northern industrial output and financial strength against the economic collapse and financial ruin of the South was already making the final outcome of the war a foregone conclusion by then.

Why did the French wait for a big US victory?

The French haven't won a war since Napoleon; they are a cautious people.

The battle that essentially ended the war was fought at?

The Battle of Appomattox Courthouse was one of the final battles of the Civil War. It was fought at the Virginia town of Appomattox. Robert E. Lee surrendered the remains of his Army of Northern Virginia after the battle, effectively ending major confederate resistance to the Union army. Though the war continued for another month, the Union's victory was a foregone conclusion after Lee's surrender.

What were the reasons why the united states was victorious in world war 2?

The greatest advantage that the Americans had was their massive production of war materials, the manpower they could put into their armed forces, and the supplies they were able send to Britain that helped Britain, her Allies, and America to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan.

What conclusion about the use of U.S military power would be most logically drawn from the experience of the Vietnam war?

A stronger military does not guarantee victory.

What conclusion about the use of U.S. military power would be most logically drawn from the experience of the Vietnam War?

A stronger military does not guarantee victory.

What conclusion about the use of U.S. Military power would be most logically drawn from the experience of the Iraq war?

After a military victory, the defeated country may remain unstable and dangerous.

Where was the battle of zama fought?

It was the Roman Invasion of Carthage in conclusion of the Second Punic War, so it was just outside Carthage. It was a decisive Roman victory despite being outnumbered and on the offensive.

What part did the US play in the conclusion of World War 2 and the holocaust?

the US supplied much hardware for the allies to achieve a military victory over Germany and the Axis powers, thus ending the war and the Holocaust.

What caused Union General Halleck to be so cautious after the victory at Shiloh?

Union General Halleck was cautious after the Union victory at Shiloh because of the near defeat of Grants army. Afterwards it took his forces of over 100,000 men more than a month to cover the 30 miles between Shiloh and Corinth. This was due to the fact he insisted on marching only 1/2 a day. The army spent the rest of the day digging entrenchments to defend against any Confederate attacks. Halleck was much too conservative as any enemy armies were far outnumbered and too weakened to launch any offensives against Halleck.

What is true victory?

true victory is a victory that is true