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Q: Why should produce be stored unwashed?
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How is produce a problem?

Produce that is unwashed may be dirty and/or carry bacteria (such as e coli) and germs from being handled by field workers or grocers/customers in retail stores.

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They produce ATP by oxidizing Glucose. Energy is stored in glucose.

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chick peas should be stored in a bin

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It should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. If stored in the refrigerator, be sure to use or freeze before the expiration date.

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Popcorn should be stored at whatever joe wants.

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Escolar should be stored at 40 degrees F or below.

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It should be stored with the low-power objective in place.

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Hand sanitizer should be stored in a cool, dry place.

Can lettuce that has not been cleaned properly cause crohn's disease?

No Crohns is not something you can just "catch". While they are not sure what causes Crohns disease, I am positive unwashed lettuce has been ruled out. You are safe, next time, at least rinse your lettuce because not only is sand a crunch you really don't want from your lettuce, E-coli is a digestive ailment you can get from unwashed produce.

Should food be stored in clean and damp containers?

Food should be stored in clean, dry containers.