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Q: Why should sheila start wearing ppe when she didn't wear any for 15 years?
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when you start to smell like bio.

When to start wearing a bra?

When your breasts start developing you should start wearing crop tops/training bras. Once you have developed large enough to fit into an A cup, you should wear a proper bra.

Should girls at the age of ten be wearing lipgloss?

it all depends on ur parents. i didnt start wearing lipgloss till i was 11, but there's a good chance that they'll let u. i personally think its ok as long as u dont wear it all the time.

When should you start wearing white pants?

Wearing white pants:You should start and only start wearing white pants and white shoes after labor day.Traditional time that you can start wearing white is after Easter!______________________________________________________________read what you wrote: this is a WRONG answer!This answer should be:It is proper etiquett to start wearing white pants, tops, skirts, shorts and white footwear after Easter but not after Labor Day.*if you were to wear it after labor day you would then be in September and no one wears white in september!

What age should a girl be wearing a bra?

I think it should be when you have a 'chest' and you need one. I need to start wearing one and I'm 10.

What age should girls be when they start wearing contact lenses?

should be 15 and older

What age should girls start wearing nylons?

There is no age when girls should start wearing nylons. What a girl/woman wears is up to her, and there are no age restrictions on clothing, least of all nylons.

How many days before your expected period should you start wearing pads?

since i have not started i think 5 days before u start would be a good start for wearing pads

How should you let your parents know that you want to start wearing make up?

Walk up to them and say, "Mom, dad, I'd like to start wearing makeup."

What age should a child be able to start wearing wigs?

Whenever they want

What distance should a child eye test be given?

Normally, we should allow kids to start wearing lenses after 16 years. If they are responsible and caring about the things, they can also start wearing under 16.

How do you know when to start wearing a bra?

There is no set guideline on when you should start wearing a bra. but you could start wearing a training bra when your breasts start to develop. If you are unsure when that is, you will notice the nipples and breast start to raise and you might notice the areola (the area around the nipple) begin to get bigger. When you see those changes, called the breast bud stage, you should ask your mom about getting a training bra. If you don't wear a training bra at that stage, you can start wearing one when the breast itself starts to develop and get bigger. Sometimes, it's hard for moms to talk to their daughters about this, so you should let your mom know when you start seeing the changes described above and ask her if you can start wearing a training bra.