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If it stays the same, then the world's temperature does not go up.

The carbon cycle moves carbon in and out of the atmosphere, the oceans and every other part of the biosphere. This is a natural effect and it keeps the world pleasantly warm for most of us to survive. The amount of carbon in the air stays the same.

However, we have been burning coal and other fossil fuels for the past 250 years. Fossil fuels contain carbon that was laid down million of years ago, so this is extra gas into the atmosphere. This extra gas is also not removed. So it stays there warming up, causing global warming.

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Q: Why should the amount of carbon in the atmosphere stay the same?
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How does the amount of carbon in the atmosphere stay the same?

By Plants

What increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acting as a carbon source?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Respiration and other aspects of the carbon cycle do not increase the amount as a similar volume is being removed at the same time.

What increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acting as a carbon source?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Respiration and other aspects of the carbon cycle do not increase the amount as a similar volume is being removed at the same time.

What increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acting as a carbon dioxide?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Respiration and other aspects of the carbon cycle do not increase the amount as a similar volume is being removed at the same time.

What increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acting as a carbon sources?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Respiration and other aspects of the carbon cycle do not increase the amount as a similar volume is being removed at the same time.

What increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acting as carbon source?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Respiration and other aspects of the carbon cycle do not increase the amount as a similar volume is being removed at the same time.

Does respiration decrease or increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Respiration (breathing) has no effect on the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Breathing is part of the carbon cycle. We take in carbon in our food and drink and we release it again when we breathe. If we eat too much, the extra carbon is stored in our bodies, making us fatter, in much the same way as a tree stores carbon in its wood as it grows.So breathing does not increase or decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Why should the amount of carbon in the air stay the same?

to give plants nuetrition

Is the same size as earth has no moons and has thick atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide?

Venus is the same size as Earth and has no moons and has a thick atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide.

How does going carbon neutral work?

A carbon neutral fuel is one that does not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Biofuel and biomass are carbon neutral because they remove CO2 from the atmosphere during their growing season, and they release exactly the same amount of CO2 when they are burnt. So they are carbon neutral.

What does it mean to say that algae fuel is carbon neutral?

Carbon neutral means that algae fuel does not affect the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Algae takes in carbon dioxide as it grows, then, when the fuel is burnt, this same carbon dioxide is released. No increase, just exactly the same amount. This is why biofuel is so much better than fossil fuel which releases carbon that had been hidden underground for millions of years, so adding to the levels in the atmosphere.

Why should carbon stay the same in the atmosphere?

Carbon in the atmosphere is added by processes like combustion, decomposition and losses from methane sources. It is removed by photosynthesis and, chemical reaction and dissolving in ocean water. As long as the sources exceed the sinks the carbon will stay (and increase) in the atmosphere. Human activities increase the sources and decrease the sinks.