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because the steel would become a permanent magnet and not let go of the metal it was holding. =) hope this helps!

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Q: Why should the core of an electromagnet not be made from steel?
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Related questions

Does making the core of an electromagnet larger make it weaker?

No, the electromagnet is not made weaker by making the core larger. It can be made weaker by decreasing its current and/or turns of coil.

Can an electromagnet be made out of anything made of metal?

It has to be a magnetic material, iron is the best. Mild steel is ok but stainless steel not.

An electromagnet would have the greatest strength if its wire were wrapped around a core made of what?


How does the strength of a wooden core electromagnet compare with that of the iron core electromagnet?

Electromagnets consist of wire coiled around a core. The core can be anything from air to a nail or even a pencil. Since electrons flow freely through a conductive core (like a nail), an electromagnet made with a metal core will have a larger magnetic field (and thus be stronger) than an electromagnet with a wooden core. The strength of an electromagnet is related to the number of times the wire is coiled around the core and the distance the wire covers across the core. The more coils wrapped closer together, the stronger an electromagnet will be. The amount of voltage running through the wire also plays a role in an electromagnet's strength. More voltage means more electrons moving through the wire and thus a stronger magnet.

How can you make an electromagnet's pulling force stronger?

An electromagnet's pulling force can be made stronger by introducing iron core in it.It increases the magnetic pull.

How is a electromagnet is made?

Wrap wire around a metal core. Like all other electromagnets.

Describe how you think an electromagnet can be used to make a stack of scrapped cars three cars high?

An electromagnet's switched can be turned on, so that it can induce magnetism. Anelectromagnetcaneasilymake a stack of three carsbecausecar body is made a steel. Electromagnet and Steel develop a good power of magnetism.

What does electromagnetic mean?

An electromagnet is a magnet caused by electricity.

How can a simple electromagnet be made?

first, you have to have a ferromagnetic core, like an iron bolt. then, you wind a magnetic wire around it. the thicker the winding, the stronger the magnet. the tips of the wire should be protruding so you can connect it to a source. skin the tips of the wire, too. connect the wire to a dc source and you got an electromagnet.

What are anodes made of?

It is made out of magnesium or aluminum that form around a steel core wire.

Is an electromagnet made of a coiled wire and a metal bolt stronger than one made with a wire alone?

Yes. An Iron core electromagnet has a stronger magnetic field then a coil. The magnetic flux is condensed and travels through the iron core with little resistance, while air provides much greater resistance.

Is an electromagnet made of a coiled wire and a metal bolt stronger than one made with wire alone?

Yes. An Iron core electromagnet has a stronger magnetic field then a coil. The magnetic flux is condensed and travels through the iron core with little resistance, while air provides much greater resistance.