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The biggest argument in favor of keeping Social Security is that since 1935 all workers in the U.S. have been funding Social Security through the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes that are deducted from their pay with the promise that some day it will be their turn to collect payments, which will be funded by the FICA taxes collected from the next generation. The reason Social Security is failing is that in 1935 they did not anticipate that the ratio of retirement-age people to working-age people would increase as much as it has.

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How can I keep my social security safe?

To keep your social security safe, do not carry your card with you unless necessary, do not share your number unless required, regularly review your statements for any suspicious activity, and be cautious of phishing scams asking for your social security number.

How do I report a Social Security Administration employee for a violation?

You should look and ask for their complaints policy and procedure. All government offices should have these available. Follow that procedure. Keep records of all communication written and oral and use these to inform the complaint.

Can government stop ss checks?

No, the government cannot stop Social Security checks. Social Security is a social insurance program funded through payroll taxes, and recipients are entitled to receive benefits based on their contributions. While there can be changes to the program, such as adjustments to the retirement age or benefit formulas, stopping Social Security checks altogether would require significant legislative action.

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social security

How do you keep Social Security disability income safe from debt collectors in Oregon?

By law, debt collectors other than the US government can't touch your Social Security benefits, but they can levy other assets or income. The best way to keep your disability income safe is to open a separate bank account and use it exclusively for your monthly government check(s). You can also inform the collectors that attempting to garnish your benefits violates Section 207 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 407). For more information, see Sources and Related Links, below.

What can you do with someones social security number?

Open a credit account, steal their identity, keep your social security number as safe as you can.

Do you have to keep old divorce papers if the spouse is deceased?

Yes. You should keep copies of your past records with you unless your government office in your state or country has a streamline platform to easily obtain certified copies of your past divorces.

Can 2 social security recipients marry and keep their finances separate?


How can you use your social security while still making a good salary?

If you are 65 you can keep working while you draw Social Security. You can do it at 62, but you have to give them 1/2 of what you make.

where do i find my security id number?

Your Security ID Number, also known as a Social Security Number, can typically be found on your Social Security card. If you cannot locate your card, you can contact the Social Security Administration for assistance in obtaining a replacement. It's important to keep this number secure to prevent identity theft.

Social Security if tou die do you get to keep check?

If you die you don't need the check

What did the government keep from us about Vietnam?

National security matters are authorized to be classified.