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we should roll a person on the ground if his clothes are on fire so that it cuts of the oxygen

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Q: Why should we roll a person on the ground if his clothes are on fire?
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What should a person whose clothing is on fire do?

The person whose clothing is on fire should "stop, drop, and roll" or be assisted in lying flat on the ground and rolling to put out the fire.

Why person should not run when his clothes catch fire?

Because running will increase the airflow, which will feed the fire and make it burn more.

What types of clothes should you wear in kitchen?

we should wear cotton clothes in kitchen because they do not catch fire easily and absorb sweat on the other hand synthetic clothes catch fire easily and do not absorb sweat.

Why polyester clothes should be avoided in kitchen?

If polyester clothing catches fire - it melts... If it melts onto a person's skin - it will cause severe burns.

The clothes of a person catch fire the person is covered with a blanket to extinguish fire why?

The blanket will help to smother the flames. The flames should go out once deprived of oxygen, hopefully before the person suffers burns. A carpet could be used instead as speed is essential.

When a person is on fire you should?

Fire extinguisher

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Wrapping a blanket around a person whose clothes are on fire can help smother the flames by cutting off the oxygen supply. This can prevent the fire from spreading and give more time for the person to safely remove the burning clothing or for someone else to help extinguish the flames. It is important to ensure the person stops, drops to the ground, and rolls to further extinguish the fire.

Why should you not wear synthetic clothes while working in the kitchen and laboratory?

we should not wear synthetic clothes while working on a kitchen or laboratory because synthetic clothes catch fire easily

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If there were a fire in the lab put it out with salt. If it is a big fire get on the ground and crawl to the exit.

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fire, ground, rock, fire normal, ground normal, rock normal, fire electric, fire ice, fire fighting, fire poison, fire ground, fire flying, fire psychic, fire bug, fire rock, fire ghost, fire dark, fire steel, electric ground, electric rock, ice ground, ice rock, fighting ground, fighting rock, poison ground, poison rock, ground flying, ground psychic, ground bug, ground rock, ground ghost, ground dark, ground steel, flying rock, psychic rock, bug rock, rock flying, rock psychic, rock ghost, rock dark, and rock steel-types are super weak to water.

What should you do if your clothes catch fire?

You should take it off or pour water on you or if not you will burn πŸ”₯to ashes