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The poop will be come iodine and will be come winter

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Q: Why should you allow outside air to come inside the terrarium?
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Why is it recommended that you put sand or pebbles at the bottom of a terrarium?

It is recommended that you put sand or pebbles at the bottom of a terrarium to allow drainage when watering plants.

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Be yourself around him and allow him to see how beautiful you are on the inside even if you are not that attractive on the outside.

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They open valves to allow seawater to enter the ballast tanks outside.

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because it doesnt allow heat to get inside or outside, depending on the season

Which type of firewall technique can be used to allow inbound traffic from the public network only if it was initiated from the internal network?

If the PC from the inside network initiated the connection, then it should be allowed automatically. Firewalls by default allow connections from the inside to complete. Firewalls can block SYN requests from the outside, but in this case, the SYN packet came from the inside - the response would be an ACK to establish the handshake. If you are not getting a response from the outside when trying to connect, perhaps the destination firewall is blocking your attempt.

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If your air conditioner is running outside by not blowing cold air inside through your vent, your indoor coil is frozen. You will need to turn everything off and allow the unit to thaw out.

Which action would allow you to distinguish between transpiration and evaporation in a model ecosystem?

Answer this question… Make a second terrarium that has no plants but is otherwise identical.

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When cooking the penguin leave it on the flame for about a minute on each side. This will allow the outside to sear trapping the juices inside.

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An ocular or eyepiece magnifies an object to allow for a closer look. They can be worn outside the eye, or be a piece inside a microscope.

Can I allow my dog to go outside and keep her pups in so she's not using the urinating inside?

Yes but not until the puppies can eat dog food

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because only nuclear envelope have a pores.!!but i am not sure on my answer!!!!

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_____ systems allow for the exchange of materials with the outside environment.