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Depending on the kind of food it is, it might go bad on that date. Most of the time, you can go a week past the expiration date. On canned foods, you can ignore the expiration date, because they are good for several years. Dairy and bread products are the ones you want to watch for. Also, there are often two ways they say it: "Use by" and "Sell by". "Use by" means, it will be best if you use it before that date. "Sell by" means you have about another week. Typically. If you are ever unsure about a product, throw it away. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

Foods are "sterilized" before they leave the production facility, but that process is NOT perfect.

After a certain length of time, it IS possible for bacteria to grow, even in a perfectly sealed containers, thus spoiling the food AND causing you to contract food poisoning.

The manufacturer will GUARANTEE the food the be healthy and safe ONLY up until the expiration date. After that, the food could become contaminated, and it should be thrown away.

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Q: Why is it considered unhealthy to conserve foods after the best before or expiry date?
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because you might get sick from it. the food might be rotten after the expiry date and also, it wuldnt be as delicious as the taste before the expiry date

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Why it is considered unhealthy to consume foods after the expiry dates?

Foods are "sterilized" before they leave the production facility, but that process is NOT perfect. After a certain length of time, it IS possible for bacteria to grow, even in a perfectly sealed containers, thus spoiling the food AND causing you to contract food poisoning. The manufacturer will GUARANTEE the food be healthy and safe ONLY up until the expiration date. After that, the food could become contaminated, and it should be thrown away. note that if you eat "expired" food and get sick, you will have NO legal recourse against the manufacturer! Still, the sterilization is pretty good, and foods are often good after their expiration date, IF the package has not been opened. The food is more than three months beyond the expiration date, it needs to de destroyed, no matter HOW it looks to you.

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Are expiry dates illegal?

No. Expiry dates are legal and they are needed. It's natural that many products change its properties over time: the milk becomes sour, the bread becomes stale, the meat produces unhealthy and sometimes hazardous substances. You can not stop the processes over time. If we did not know the shelf life it could be poison.

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In the context of perishables: Expiry date/use by date/best before.

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Technically, it is not considered bad, it probably near its expiry date, or it's not sell as well, so be sure to check the expiry date, if it doesn't have one, i prefer you dont buy it, because there is a chance that it may be expired.

Importance of expiry dates on food products?

yes, usually a product is good for a few days AFTER its expiration date. an expiration date is usually just a guideline for how long to keep food for and is just a way that companies try to avoid being sued for food poisoning.