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Q: Why should you aspirate before injecting a local anesthetic?
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Related questions

How long after injecting insulin should you eat?

30 minutes before eating your meal.

How should patients be prepared for a wound flushing?

The nurse or doctor may inject the site with a local anesthetic before flushing the wound.

When can you drive after local anesthetic?

You should not drive up to twelve hours after you've received a local anesthetic. This is because the anesthetic can make you drowsy, tired, and not fully aware of your surroundings.

How can you treat diabetes except for injecting insulin?

Mabye you could take insulin pills without injecting it.It should be a lot less painful.

How should patients be prepared for a transesophageal echocardiography?

The patient may be given a mild sedative before the procedure, and an anesthetic is sprayed into the back of the throat in order to suppress the gag reflex.

What anesthetic agent should be of concern of the dentist of patients with heart disease?


Who should not used the lidocaine patch?

Lidocaine may not be suitable for persons who have had a past reaction to any local anesthetic. Patients should discuss past adverse reactions to anesthetics with their physician before using the lidocaine patch

Can you drink water before anesthesia?

No You should not eat for about 16 hours before going under general anesthetic. The anaesthesiologist takes this very seriously as a patient may bring up food during an operation which is dangerous.

Can general anesthetic cause bed wetting in children?

Bed wetting is a common side effect from general anesthetic in children. The effect should subside in 2-3 days.

Should you have a aneshetic if you have a cold?

Not an anesthetic but get as much rest as you can and you'll be back on your feet in no time.

What anesthetic agent should be of concern for the dentist when treating patients with heart disease?


What must the assistant do prior to a composite procedure this can take place before the anesthetic is given?

The assistant should look at the color of the tooth and pick a shade for the composite material. The shade of the material should match the tooth, especially if it is in the front of the mouth.