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Too much noise pollution can have several adverse effects on people in society:

1) lack of sleep

2) lack of rest

3) high blood pressure

4) constant stress, even if low-grade

5) anxiety

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Q: Why should you be concerned about too much noise or noise pollution?
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Related questions

What are the noise pollutants?

Environmental pollution caused by too much noise is called noise pollution.

Data analysis of noise pollution?

Data analysis of noise pollution seeks to establish the effects of noise pollution. Some of the established effects include headaches, stress, impaired hearing and so much more.

Is talking too much a cause of pollution?

Talking too much could be considered noise pollution, but that's about it.

What are the disadvantages of traffic jam?

disadvantages are noise pollution , air pollution ,so much fiel is england especially 1out of 7 peaple have Asthma,

What are some famous pollution quotes?

There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.Robert Orben, 03/14/1927 -

What is being done to stop noise pollution in oceans?

There is some evidence that suggests that whales beach themselves because of noise coming from navy ships. The navy probably won't do much about this. So there is nothing being done to stop noise pollution in oceans.

Can noise pollution affect one's health?

Noise pollution is harmful to humans in various ways. This mainly causes impaired hearing, headaches, stress and so much more.

Do people worry too much about pollution?

No, they should be more concerned. Pollution is just a piece of our environment that we, as global citizens, need to pay attention to. On a personal level, it is better to do what you can, in your household to avoid adding to the pollution of ground water and soil and to try to reduce your use of carbon fuels.

When does noise pollution occur?

Noise pollution requires two thing: a source of unpleasant, overly loud or unwanted noise and a person to be bothered by the noise. The criteria for the noise levels and sources are often set out in municipal or other guidelines which specify decibel levels and times of permissible noise. The "bother" caused by the noise is much more difficult to quantify and legal measures usually fall back on terms such as "loss of enjoyment of property"These two criteria are most often met in urban settings (cities, towns, etc.) The sources can be traffic, industrial processes, music or construction.Noise pollution can also occur in places where silence is seen as an aesthetic consideration. This would include areas such as nature preserves, meditative centres, and other places people go to "enjoy peace and quiet". The decibel level of noise pollution in such areas can be much lower.

What is air and sound pollution?

air pollution is caused when fossil fuels or gas is burned and smog (smoke and fog) or other chemical are mixed and sound pollution is when there is so much noise it messes up the whole city network

How many pollution are there?

There are hundreds and possibly thousands of pollutants. Examples include carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead and particulate matter.

Why should you prevent noise pollution?

Noise pollution is bad on two levels...personal and civil. *Personal - Too much noise can be damaging to a person's own health. If music is too loud, it can permanently damage someone's ear drum, inner ear, and cause an individual to become deaf or have other serious hearing problems. Some musics have been shown to cause an increase in tension in the body and can elevate blood pressure levels in a person. Too much noise can also be destracting, causing insomnia or other forms of sleep problems. *Civil - It is rude to be so loud that it distracts your neighbors. There are some basic code of ethics and morals (like don't mow your lawn at 3am when other people on your block are trying to sleep, for example) that often include not being so disruptive with noise. Excess noise pollution can harm not only you, but others around you who are forced into the noise, too.