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Q: Why should you disagree to join voluntary military service?
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Is one required to enlist in the military?

In most countries, enlisting in the military is not mandatory. However, there are countries with mandatory military service laws that require all eligible citizens to serve in the military for a specified period. It's important to check the requirements and laws of your specific country to understand if military service is mandatory or voluntary.

Should the military be allowed to recruit at high schools?

All branches of the US military are voluntary services, that is they are not compulsory; there is no draft. Military service, that is the military itself is a necessary component of National Security. The effective time a soldier, sailor, or airman can serve is limited, so personnel rotate in and out continuously. Service to one's country is an honorable endeavor. For all intents, recruiters "educate" potential enlistees to the potentials that military service can offer. And, since service is VOLUNTARY, it is the decision of the potential enlistees, the students in this case, whether they wish to serve or not. Since schools are institutions of "education," it only follows that recruiters be permitted to present the possibility of military service to juniors and graduating seniors. High schools are, after all, open to the "recruiters" of any type of career, business, or emplyment path, even if no others choose to exercise it.

What type of responsibility are voting and serving the military?

Voting and serving in the military are part of being a responsible citizen. While some may disagree, saying that both voting and military service are individual decisions, it should be noted that both the right to vote and the option to serve or not was hard-earned by the blood and sacrifice of Americans dating back to the Militiamen's defeat of the British in 1775. On a historical note, ancient Athens, known as the 'birthplace of democracy', required military service as a prerequisite to earn the right to vote.

What type of responsibility are voting and serving in the military?

Voting and serving in the military are part of being a responsible citizen. While some may disagree, saying that both voting and military service are individual decisions, it should be noted that both the right to vote and the option to serve or not was hard-earned by the blood and sacrifice of Americans dating back to the Militiamen's defeat of the British in 1775. On a historical note, ancient Athens, known as the 'birthplace of democracy', required military service as a prerequisite to earn the right to vote.

Why are you in the army?

I joined the Army to get the military service time that i needed to join the Coast Guard. If you're looking for a military career, you should look at a different branch of service.

A means of providing for the nation's defense by requiring military service from certain people?

conscription=====> is the compulsory enlistment of people in some sort of national service, the person should render service to the country, most often military service.

What is a good sentence with the word disagree in it?

Perhaps you should not be so quick to disagree. I disagree with your hypothesis.

Why did people disagree with the bombing of German cities?

Bombing the German cities was killing civilians. Many people believed this was wrong and that aerial attacks should be targeted at industrial and military facilities.

How can you get a list of your military service medals?

Military awards will be listed on your discharge (DD-214). There is a special block titled: Awards and Decorations. The awards should all be listed there.

Should the U S. Congress fund a voluntary buyback program for military-style semi-automatic assault weapons since their private ownership might be permitted but strongly discouraged?

um... yes

Do retired military have to pay a medicare premium; while working for civil service. ?

Generally no but you should contact Medicare for a full answer.