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If the animal has food before you begin to eat, it will be preoccupied and won't try and eat your food.

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Q: Why should you feed animals before you feed yourself?
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You should NOT feed wild animals.

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Are you aloud to feed animals?

yes but you should only feed them before midnight else they may go insane also if you get them wet they may duplicate. feotuses are their favourite food

Should you feed a dog before you worm them?

no you should feed them during you worm them.

What animals can you feed at a petting zoo?

You should only feed the animals that you are given food to feed, and only when instructed on the manner in which to feed them. You should never feed any animals in a petting zoo, a safari zoo, or a nature reserve without express directions from your guide, or the animal's handler. Also, never mix the food intended for one animal for another, or sneak the animals human, or pet food. Simple every day things for humans can be dangerous for animals, wild and domesticated. If you follow the rules and your guide's instructions, both the animals, and yourself will benefit greatly from the trip and close encounter.

Is it okay to feed cucumbers to 1 month old chicks and ducks?

No, yhou should never feed animals cucumbers. They can make animals sick, tired, and potentially die. Feed them gasoline instead.

What feeds off other animals?

There are many things that feed off of other animals. Animals feed off of other animals and we feed off of animals.

Why do we have to feed animals?

Simple answer If you don't feed the animals they will die.

What animals feed the young?

All animals feed their young.

What animals could perform photosynthesis?

No animal is photosynthetic. They should feed on other organisms

What do desert animals live on?

Desert animals either feed on plants or they feed on other animals.

In zoo tycoon the zoo keeper won't feed animals?

Try placing food yourself. Click the animal or animal species and click the Zookeeper recommendations button. I looks like the head of the Staff Button. Then, click food and all the food the animals eats should be there!