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In case there is an emergency. Then one could not reach the first aid kit if it was locked.

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Q: Why should you not lock a first aid kit?
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What is different to a surival kit and a first aid kit?

A first aid kit is for medical use a survival kit is for survival in some emergency like getting lost in the jungle, mountains, at sea. A survival kit should contain a first aid kit.

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What items should be in a first aide kit?

The most important thing in a first aid kit is the roll of medical bandages.

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Where should you put the first aid kit?

Car,boat, and on holidays

How to prepare a first aid kit?

No matter how sedentary of a lifestyle you live, it is always important to prepare for emergencies. One step that anyone can take to help prepare for emergencies is to pack a first aid kit. While it may seem like packing a first aid hit is quite simple, knowing what essential items you should put in your first aid kit is extremely important. The first step in packing a first aid kit is determining what the first aid kit is used for. If the first aid kit is going to be used at home it will undoubtedly require different items than if you are going to have a first aid kit for a bike ride or hike. Once you have determined where the first aid kit will be kept, the next step is to consider the integral items that will need to be included in the kit. If you are putting a first aid kit together for your home, many of the items that you will have in the kit will be pretty basic and useful to help cure typical household injuries. For example, you should include items that could help clean and protect small wounds. If you are planning on putting together a first aid kit for a hike or camping trip, your first aid kit should contain items that could be used for more serious situations which must be addressed immediately. For example, since you will be out in the wilderness, your first aid kit should be able to help splint an ankle or wrist, clean a wound, or disinfect a significant dog bit. When camping or hiking, it would also be a good idea to keep a map and backup batteries for a cellphone in your first aid kit. With these additional items, you will be able to ensure that you will be able to contact 911 in case of an emergency or find your way back to a populated area.

Why should Army recruits know where the nearest first aid kit is stored?

Every recruit should be observant and prepared. You may be the first person on the scene of an accident or illness. If you know where to find the first aid kit, you will save valuable seconds and can deliver first aid quickly.

Why should you have a first Aid kit in the kitchen?

A First Aid Kit should be easily accessible from anywhere in the home. A kitchen is a great place to store a first aid kit because there are many accidents that can happen in the kitchen. For example, burns, cuts, scrapes, are just a few reasons why you should keep a first aid kit in the kitchen.

When was First Aid Kit - album - created?

First Aid Kit - album - was created in 2005.

What is the need for first aid kits?

there might be someone hurt or something wronge with them, so that's why a first aid kit should be there

Why should a first aid kit be kept out of reach of children?

because it is dangerous