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Q: Why shoulder abductor is of grade 3?
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What two muscles are Important in shoulder adduction and antagonists of the shoulder abductor?

The deltoid is the prime mover in shoulder abduction. It's two antagonists are the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi.

What is abductor muscle?

Abductor muscles are the muscles which cause abduction. prime example being lateral head of the shoulder abducts your arms to the side of your body. similarly you have the muscles in your lower body which abducts your legs to the sides.

Shoulder muscle that is the antagonist of the trapezius?

Shoulder adductors. Abduction means moving away from the median plane of the body and adduction means moving towards the median plane of the body.

What two muscles are the shoulder adductors?

There are actually four muscles which make up the shoulder adductors. These muscles include the Pectoralis Major, Coracobrachialis, Latissimus Dorsi, and Teres Major.

What is the plural form of abductor?

The plural of abductor is abductors.

What is the Term for carrying away from the body?


What is abductor magnus?

The abductor magnus does not exist. It is likely a mistake referring to the aDDuctor magnus.

Where is the abductor?

Its in the groin.

What is an abductor?

An abductor is either one who abducts or kidnaps another, or a muscle which draws out from a central point.

What are abductors and adductors?

Abductor muscles pull a limb away from the midline of the body e.g. abductor muscles pull