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Q: Why shouldn't birdbaths or bird feeders be on the ground?
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Were do cardinal get their food?

Mostly from the ground and Bird feeders

What is the effect of height above ground on the attraction of birds to a feeder?

Many birds will eat from bird feeders whether they are raised or on the ground. However, placing feeders up high encourages birds that are not ground feeders to eat the seed. It also helps to protect them from predators such as cats and foxes.

How do you attract Mourning Doves?

In an open area of your yard, set up bird feeders with sunflower seed. Then, buy a mix seed that contains milo and millet. Scatter this on the ground under the feeders. The doves will come.

Do birds like solar bird baths?

Yes! Birds just don't like birdbaths with a glossy finish because they like to keep their footing. Solar birdbaths are a hit and they attract more birds than a regular birdbath.

Where could one purchase some birdbaths?

There are numerous places where one can purchase a heated bird bath online. Amazon, Walmart, Kohl's, Best Nest, KMart and numerous other stores all have websites where one could purchase a heated bird bath.

What do people put in their yards to attract birds?

Bird feeders and bird baths.

What a bird feeder must have?

There are different types of bird feeders. Some are fly through, which means it is open and the birds fly into it and eat. Then there are perch type bird feeders where the birds sit on perches and eat. There are also weight sensitive bird feeders where you can set the weight you want. If a bird is big, the openings in the bird feeder closes, keeping them out of the food. There are also squirrel-proof bird feeders which keep the squirrels out of your wild bird feed.

Does different bird feeders effect birds?

Yes there are modified bird feeders for many birds, for example a hummingbird feeder has small holes for their different beaks. There is no bird feeder for all birds.

What sort of birds use a bird feeder?

You can get different types of bird feeders. I have a wild bird seed feeder and peanut feeders, and they attract the blue tit and finches, but mainly blue tits

What birds use bird feeders in the garden?

all birds eat from bird feeders its just getting them there without them being spooked so they will come back

Where can one find a bird seed feeder?

Squirrel proof bird feeders can be purchases at Lowes, Target, and most local hardware stores. Some online sites that offer a variety of squirrel proof bird feeders are Best Nest and Wild Beaks.

How do you feed your chicken in Birdland on Facebook?

You don't need to feed the bird because it already has hay lying on the ground. It will just eat it and then in a few seconds it will grow if that doesn't work put one of the feeders on the ground.