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Depending on the specific technology you are thinking about, a phone may have data stored magnetically; a strong magnet may delete such data.

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Q: Why shouldn't you not put a phone near a magnet?
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What happens if you put a magnet near your heart?

nothing at all

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If you put the magnet near the iron fillings, they will be drawn out by the magnetic pull of the magnet.

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You can put a magnet near the metal. If it gets attracted or repelled, then it is magnetised

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Nope. It should point that way all the time unless you put a magnet near it and cause the needle to follow that magnet.

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well , u shouldnt.

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Because the flour my be contaminated by iron or steel and before it is put in a bag they get rid of the iron or steel by putting it close to magnet!

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When your phone freezes put it on the side near some heat till it defrost

Why magnets not placed near cellphones?

magnets are strong and if you put a cell phone near it, it might damage it

Does a magnet repell?

yes a magnet repell. Because if you put a piece of sheet it would not do anything but if you have another magnet and you put it on the south and the magnet is south then it will repell

Where is the magnetic field on a magnet?

On the gray side of the magnet, if you take out a magnet and put it next to a magnet things you put on the fridge, It sticks to it! You see, the magnet's force is invisible so u can't see it. Or if you put it next to a magnet that sticks to that magnet, You might feel it's force or not. I tried it once :).

What happens when you put a magnet to a phone?

What part of the computer? what kind of monitor do you have? if you stick the magnet to the screen it will appear to "kill" the colors. that's if you use an older model screen. I don't believe plasma screens will do the same thing with a magnet. the "melting" affect is like that if a pressing force on a plasma screen or a caculator screen. you can also ERASE your entire Harddrive with a powerfull enough magnet (or if it gets too close), be careful. if you have already hurt your screen with the magnet, there is a degause button in the menu of your screens settings on the monitor. if your monitor is so old that you don't have a menu, get a new monitor.

What is the result you should see if there is a magnet in the doorbell when it is connected?

put a magnet up to the door bell