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The government of Hawaii introduced the mongoose to the islands of Hawaii in order to provide some control over the growing rat problem that was plaguing Hawaii's agricultural economy. The rat problem was indeed treated, however the mongoose were later found to be disrupting the islands' fragile ecosystem by eating indigenous species of birds.

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14y ago

The best way I can describe the mongoose population in Hawaii is critters per mile or CPM. It seemed as 3 or 4 was the norm, however our latest count as of 10-2009 on Oahu put the CPM at zero. in 2 weeks and over 700 miles we have yet to see a single mongoose, I have no explanation of this and welcome comments.

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13y ago

Mongoose were brought to Hawaii to get rid of the rats.

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13y ago

In 1888, sugar plantation owners brought it in to control the rat population that fed on the crops.

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