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because skeletal muscles are in the arms and legs

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Q: Why smooth muscle cannot take the place of skeletal muscle?
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Why can't smooth muscle take the place of muscle that move you skeleton?

mucle in the skeletal system is cammed skeletal mucle which can only be in the skeleton

What muscle is the only one of its kind in the human body?

There are three types of muscles in the body, smooth, skeletal and cardiac. The only place you'll find cardiac muscle is in the heart.

What muscle cell type is striated and involuntary?

Skeletal muscle is striated and voluntrary. Smooth muscle, as is found around the blood vessels and in many organs, is not striated and involuntary. The heart (cardiac muscle) is the only place you have striated involuntary muscle.

Why are smooth muscles called smooth?

Smooth muscle is no way connected to the skeleton, example intestine liver etc. Where as striated muscle is connected to skeleton so it is called striated muscle. And the third type of muscle is Cardiac Muscle. --------------------------- Smooth muscle lack the sarcomeres that give skeletal and cardiac muscles their 'striated' appearance. Skeletal muscle isn't "called striated" because it it attached to the skeleton, it is called striated because sarcomeres give muscle a striated appearance. Thus the name, smooth muscle for looking smooth without striation.

Where does glycolysis occur in skeletal muscle?

Same place as everywhere else in the body. The cytoplasm.

Why is smooth muscles important?

Smooth muscle is muscle that cannot be voluntarily controlled. One place it is found is in the digestive tract, performing peristalsis-- moving food along the digestive tract. Smooth muscle is important because it is subconsciously controlled, so you can go about your day without having to think, "Ok, stomach muscles, contract now... all right, your turn, small intestine...".

How does the appearance of smooth muscle differ from that of skeletal mucsle?

They are all in different places. Skeletal muscles are striated and are the muscles that are in voluntary control. These include biceps(arm), pectoralis major(chest) and other muscles that you can move. These muscles are striated and has many nuclei. Smooth muscles are not striated and are the muscles that are not in voluntary control. These include organs and blood vessels, excluding heart. These muscles are unstriated with one nucleus. Smooth muscles has only one nucleus. There is only one place where cardiac muscle is found: the heart. Also called myocardium, this muscle is striated and has one nucleus. Cardiac muscle also contains intercalated disc, which acts as a junction between the two muscle cells.

What job does a muscle have?

That depends on what muscle you're talking about. A skeletal muscle pulls the bone and causes the joints(and the body part) to bend. Without it, we would not be able to do even the simplest errands because we can't move a thing. Smooth muscle is the muscle of the organs(excluding the heart), blood vessels. Smooth muscle is not under voluntary control, meaning you don't have any control over it. Without it, you won't be able to move any of your organs, or move blood well throughout your body. Cardiac muscle is simply the muscle of the heart. The heart is the only place that has this muscle and this also is involuntary. Without it, you will not be able to pump blood throughout your body, and because of lack of oxygen, you will die.

Does peristalsis take place in skeletal muscle?

Peristalsis takes place in the oesophagus... It's a series of muscular contractions that pushes food down to the stomach.

Why is bones called bones?

Because the skeletal system is about the skeleton. Skeleton>Skeletal Muscle>Muscular

Where is the only place you can find cardiac muscles?

Cardiac muscle is a type of involuntary striated muscle found only in the walls of the heart. This is a specialized muscle that, while similar in some fundamental ways to smooth muscle and skeletal muscle, has a unique structure and with an ability not possessed by muscle tissue elsewhere in the body. Cardiac muscle, like other muscles, can contract, but it can also carry an action potential (i.e. conduct electricity), like the neurons that constitute nerves.Furthermore, some of the cells have the ability to generate an action potential, known as cardiac muscle automaticity (meaning the can and do beat on their own).

How do your muscles and bones work together?

Your bones, or skeleton, is the frame for your body. With out it, your skin, muscles, ligaments, blood, organs and everything else would just be a pile of stuff. The muscles are on the bones and your muscles move and hold things. there are three types of muscle, skeletal muslce moves bones, smooth muscle is what makes up your organs and cardic muscle is what your heart is made of. Skeletal muscle contracts and when it does, there is a reflex. So if an arm muscle contracts, your arm will move. So, think of the bones as the frame of a car and the muslces as the tires, windows, doors and undercarriage; they keep everything in place and allow the car to move. Hope this helps!