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Soil helps it grow because the soil helps the plants to be healthy all the time .

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It provides nutrients and gives the plant something to hold onto. Otherwise it would just blow away.

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Q: Why soil is so important for plant growth?
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Why is subsoil so important?

The subsoil harbors many micro-organisms. Metabolic activities of these living objects provide nutrients for plant growth. Hence subsoil is considered as an important entity for vegetation.

Why is Illinois' soil so important to farming?

The rich vitamens help the plant grow better.

What makes rich soil so valuable?

When soil is labeled as "rich", it means it has plenty of organic material which provides the nutrients to support healthy plant growth. Plants don't do well in poor soil - nutrients must be added to it if they are to thrive.

Why is the depth seeds are planted important?

It is important because if you plant it too deep,there will be no sunlight for it to grow,so you want to plan't it about 1 inch in the soil.

How is soil temperature important to plants?

Plants will not grow and seeds will not germinate if the soil temperature is too low. The biochemical reactions involved in growth and development are very slow when temperatures are low. Below 50 F (~10 C), most biological activity is essentially halts in most plants. High temperatures in soils is not good, either. However, soils are poor conductors of heat and good insulators. So if the sun heats the soil surface to temperatures uncomfortable for most plants, the soil just a few of inches below the surface are much cooler. The plant can cool itself by drawing up water from those cooler depths. In addition to the plant's needs for proper temperatures, soil organisms are inactive at low temperatures. Some of these organisms help the plant access nutrients, so when they are inactive, it will reflect on plant growth.

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Why is it important for soil to be able to exchange ions?

So the plant has the correct nutrients and it help with growth

Write two reasons why roots are important to plants?

Roots are important to plants because they anchor the plant in the soil, providing support and stability. Roots also absorb water and nutrients from the soil, which are essential for the plant's growth and overall health.

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it affected the growth because the water in the soil would somehow get in the plant and now they cant do anything about it the plant cant last long with so much soil in it

Why is subsoil so important?

The subsoil harbors many micro-organisms. Metabolic activities of these living objects provide nutrients for plant growth. Hence subsoil is considered as an important entity for vegetation.

Why does crude oil affect plants?

Oil effect the plant growth by messing up the nutrients by going into the soil and erupting the root so it stops its growth.

A small piece of rock beginning with so?

A small piece of rock beginning with "so" could be "soil", which is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, and air that supports plant growth.

Why is Illinois' soil so important to farming?

The rich vitamens help the plant grow better.

How is root important to the plant?

The roots absorb nutrients and water from the soil, which get distributed throughout the plant. They also help to hold the plant in place.

What affect does apple juice have on plant growth?

apple juice puts mold on the soil and kills the plant slowly so no don't water your plant with apple juice.

If soil temperature rises will plant growth increase?

An increase in soil temperature can potentially lead to increased plant growth by accelerating nutrient availability, enzyme activity, and metabolic processes. However, excessively high soil temperatures can also harm plants by disrupting root function and nutrient uptake, so there is an optimal range for growth. Generally, the impact of soil temperature on plant growth will depend on the specific plant species and their adaptation to different temperature ranges.

When soil is burned does it affect plant growth?

yes; if the soil is very dry plants can not grow as well because not as many nutrients and water can help the plant grow properly but then in very rich and damp soil plants grow very well because they get everything they need. -some random person. Sorta. The soil can be very dry but really all you have to do is turn the soil if it is dry. -Coral Trail-Sardam

Why is soil so imporatant?

Soil is a very important natural resource It supports plant growth, which is an integral part of the environment. Flora and fauna flourish here. It is a living system consisting of many living organisms. Its also the base for many activities like transport, roadways, etc.