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because during a solar eclipse, the moon lies between sun and earth. So all that we can see is sun being cut by the dark moon. The moon shines when we see the sunlight falling on its surface. In a solar eclipse, the glowing side of moon is away so we cannot see it.

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13y ago

See the linked question for information that will answer your question. It has to do with what is called the Phase Angle of the moon.
The moons light is a shadow from the sun. When the moon passes it its not lined up enough for the shadow to go away and shine from behind the sun. Eclipses are only when the moon is in front of the sun for a certain period of time

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13y ago

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon casts its shadow upon some part of the Earth. For this to happen, the Moon must be in-between the Sun and Earth. We call this phase new moon.

Although the Moon always casts a shadow, it is rare for the shadow to fall on Earth's surface. The Moon's orbit defines a plane in space, and so does the orbit of Earth around the sun (the latter called the ecliptic plane.) These two mathematical planes are tilted from one another by just over 5 degrees; so the Moon's shadow usually misses the Earth, even at New Moon. If this tilt did not exist, there would be a solar eclipse about every 28 days, or one month.

Full moon happens when the Moon is "behind" the Earth relative to the Sun. At the time of full moon, we on Earth are closer to the Sun than is the Moon. The shadow of the Moon is cast into space away from Earth. As a consolation prize, we enjoy the fully sunlit face of the side of the Moon which is always presented toward Earth, and may even forget to put on our headlights while driving at night.

A solar eclipse cannot occur during full moon, nor any other phase of the moon except new moon. Even then, everything must be lined up just right.

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15y ago

In a full moon, the Moon is on the other side of Earth from the Sun. In a solar eclipse, the Moon is on the SAME side of the Earth as the Sun.

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No. Only during Full Moon.