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The Earth orbits the Sun in a plane that we call the "ecliptic". If the Moon orbited the Earth in that same plane, we would experience eclipses every month. But the plane of the Moon's orbit is about 5 degrees tilted from the ecliptic, and so we only see eclipses at the "nodes" when the Moon's orbital plane crosses the ecliptic at the new or full moons.

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Q: Why solar eclipse does not occur every time the moon revolves around earth?
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Why doesn't a lunar eclipse occur every time the moon revolves around the earth?

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Why doesn't a lunar eclipse occur every time the moon revolves around earth?

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Do solar eclipses happen every time the moon revolves around the sun?

No. For one thing, the moon revolves around, earth, not the sun.

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Yes. It completes one revolution around the earth roughly every 27.3 days.

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Why doesn't a solar eclipse occur every time the moon revolves around earth?

because the moon's orbit is shorter compared to earth. there is a solar eclipse but that occurs like finding gold, they don't happen everyday. the only time, anyways, a solar eclipse occurs is only when the moon is in between the sun and earth( if you don't understand, think about it as a new moon during the day, not at night)