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Q: Why some fields that store only numbers have a text data type?
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Define fixed length fields?

Fixed length fields are columns in a database table that always use a set amount of space for each row of data in the table. A fixed length field of 50 characters will always consume 50 characters for that field, regardless of how long the actual data in that field requires. Fixed length fields typically use more storage resources than variable length fields, but they are a bit faster for the processor to work with, since the length only needs to be determined once. Fixed length fields are appropriate for data where the length is constant. Some examples of fields that are good candidates for fixed length fields include Social Security Numbers, fixed length postal codes/ZIP Codes and telephone numbers (provided international data is unexpected.) Data that varies in length should be stored in a variable length field, as it will take less physical storage space and will not need to be truncated to remove extra spaces.

Give an example of a database field?

This is a very simple explanation. A database is a collection of schemas. A schema is a collection of tables. A table is a collection of possibly unlimited rows organized into fields or more commonly called columns. Think of a spread sheet. For example an inventory table might have columns ITEM_NUMBER, ITEM_NAME, and ITEM_QUANTITY. ITEM_NUMBER is defined to store only whole numbers ITEM_NAME is defined to store only letters and numbers up to the length of 20 ITEM_QUANTITY is defined to store only whole numbers Here is some possible sample data ITEM_NUMBER * ITEM_NAME * ITEM_QUANTITY 1001 * Washer Brass * 5044 1002 * Screw 4x40 stainless * 5027 1003 * Screw 6x40 stainless * 4947 So, to answer your question, a database column (or field) belongs to a table and has attributes that describe the column and what can be stored in the column.

Can the median in a set of data be the greatest number?

Only if all values in the dataset are equal. Otherwise, it is impossible. If there are two numbers in the dataset, the median is the average of these two numbers. If there are three numbers, then the second number is the median or one number away from the maximum.

What is the relation between access and database?

Access is no security Database has security limited data can store in access we can specify the size and file growth. we can store n number of data's only primary key can specify in access. but in database we can specify primary key as well foreign keys and other keys.

Difference between bar code and qr code?

Bar code stores numbers only,but QR code can be store be with any multimedia.

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How can you dicribe array?

An array is when you store several data items with a single name. You only use a number to distinguish the individual items. Or two or more numbers, if you use a multidimensional array.An array is when you store several data items with a single name. You only use a number to distinguish the individual items. Or two or more numbers, if you use a multidimensional array.An array is when you store several data items with a single name. You only use a number to distinguish the individual items. Or two or more numbers, if you use a multidimensional array.An array is when you store several data items with a single name. You only use a number to distinguish the individual items. Or two or more numbers, if you use a multidimensional array.

What is alphanumeric or text database?

A field of this data type will accept both numbers and text. The alphanumeric keys are the part of the deyboard that looks like a typewriter. When to use - it you want to enter text, or a mixture of text and numbers. When NOT to use - if you want to store only munbers, or only dates. You can enter numbers or dates into text fields but they would get sorted as if they were words and could not easily be used for any calculations.

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Quantitative data

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Most digital computers today do.

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Difference between text field and memo field?

Memo fields can store up to 1 gigabyte of characters or 2 gigabytes of storage (2 bytes per character), of which you can display 65,535 characters in a control on a form or report. In addition, you can now apply rich-text formatting to the data in a Memo field. For example, you can set colours, change fonts, and make data bold or italic. Fields of memo data type cannot be grouped while filtering and it is not possible to sort them however, they are searchable. It is not possible to add a look up property to a memo field. It is also not possible to set an input mask to a memo field meaning that the user can input data however they want without an input mask to guide them as to what format to input the data in. Text field are for plain text or combinations of text and numbers, such as addresses. Also numbers that do not require calculations, such as phone numbers, part numbers, or postal codes. Text fields may store up to a maximum of 255 characters. Microsoft Access only stores the characters entered in a field; it does not store space characters for unused positions in a Text field. To control the maximum number of characters that can be entered, set the Field Size property. You can and should define a width, but Access doesn't use fixed width storage so is not as wasteful of disk space. Text fields may have look up properties to link them to other fields if necessary.

Define fixed length fields?

Fixed length fields are columns in a database table that always use a set amount of space for each row of data in the table. A fixed length field of 50 characters will always consume 50 characters for that field, regardless of how long the actual data in that field requires. Fixed length fields typically use more storage resources than variable length fields, but they are a bit faster for the processor to work with, since the length only needs to be determined once. Fixed length fields are appropriate for data where the length is constant. Some examples of fields that are good candidates for fixed length fields include Social Security Numbers, fixed length postal codes/ZIP Codes and telephone numbers (provided international data is unexpected.) Data that varies in length should be stored in a variable length field, as it will take less physical storage space and will not need to be truncated to remove extra spaces.

Data type where a field can only contain numbers?


Can this integer 6546454564564564564564564564565645645645645645645645645645645645645645645645 be stored in Java exactly if yes then please state the data type?

Certainly not in a primitive data type. You can store it in a String, of course. Now, if you want do treat it as a number and do actual calculations, you can store such large numbers in an object based on the BigInteger class; this class allows you to work with numbers of an arbitrary size, limited only by available memory. (There is also a similar BigDecimal class that allows you to work with numbers with decimals).

How do discrete and continuous data relate to quantitative data?

discrete data can only be whole numbers whereas continuous can be fractions decimals don't necessary have to be counting numbers as we know them. 1,2,3...