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Q: Why some object do not fall on the ground?
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What Italian scientist argued that mass of an object does not affect the time the object takes to fall to the ground?


Do all objects fall to the ground?

Yes unless you are in space or the object can fly

What Italian scientist argued that the mass of an object does not affect the time the object takes to fall to the ground?

Galileo galilei

Why do object fall to the ground when dropped?

It is due to gravity. It is Earth's gravitation force that keeps our feet firmly on the ground.

Why object fall to the ground?

Gravity pulls them down. Newtons Law of Gravity: what goes up must come down. objects fall to the ground because of gravity

Why do we need to study about free fall?

Free fall is when an object is falling on the ground without any hindrance. It is important to learn about gravity.

What is the only force acting on a freely falling object?

Gravity is forcing an object to fall to the ground. Another force is friction from air pressure on the falling object.

When is an object said to be in free for all?

What you're referring to is actually "an object in free fall" not "free for all". An object is in free fall when the only force opposing gravity is potentially the force of wind friction as the object is pulled to the ground (see Terminal Velocity).

When is an object said to be in free all'?

What you're referring to is actually "an object in free fall" not "free for all". An object is in free fall when the only force opposing gravity is potentially the force of wind friction as the object is pulled to the ground (see Terminal Velocity).

An object in free fall does what till it reaches the ground?

I am not sure because I am only 12, but if it is possible the object may rotate and eventually reach the terminal velocity. It will then start to spin faster and when it hits the ground it may break, disinigrate, or some other form of weathering. I hope this was helpful.

How would adding air resistance change the results?

air resistance will increase the time for an object to fall to the ground

Does an object on free fall increase in distance proportional?

an object free falling would continue to gain speed until met by a balanced force i.e. the ground