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Q: Why some solid materials cannot be completely dissolved in the liquid?
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it dissolved completely into a liquid

What does soluble and insoluble mean?

Materials like salt and sugar will dissolve in the water and are called soluble as they dissolve completely in the water, where as substances that do not dissolve in water like sand are called insoluble materials.

When you mix a solid into a liquid so completely that you can longer no see the particles of the solid you have?

You have dissolved the solid completely.

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Vacuoles are liquid-filled sacs that store water and dissolved materials.

What are soluble and insoluble materials?

Substances which can be dissolved in a solvent are said to be soluble in that solvent.For ExampleSugarSaltbaking powderwashing sodathese are in soluble in water.

What is the function of liquid glucose?

Liquid sugar is sugar crystals dissolved in water. It can be used in recipes that need completely dissolved sugar. It can be used as a glaze, giving an amber, glossy coating when baking scones, buns, and cakes, etc.

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Materials float best in the liquid with the highest density. Soda with lots of dissolved sugar probably has the highest density.

A substance that is dissolved in liquid is called What?

ya mom

Why does solid materials dissolved in liquid materials?

Materials dissolve in water due to its unique polarity. It contains an uneven distribution of its electrons, causing it to "look for" other elements to bond with. This makes it easy for materials to dissolve in water.

What are four types of solution?

Saturated solution is the ideal type of solution. The other is unsaturated, which is less saturated than what the solvent (water, liquid etc.), and it can dilute. The last one is supersaturated which mean the solution contains more solute (solid materials).

What solid materials can be dissolve in alcohol?

ice at its solid state when dissolved in water turns to its liquid state