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i think its because it can kill alot of other animals

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Q: Why squirrel monkeys are called deaths head monkey?
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Why do male squirrel monkeys wee on other squirrel monkeys?

Not all male squirrel monkeys do this, only the dominant squirrel monkey in the group will do this. The dominant male squirrel monkey urinates on the other squirrel monkeys in the group to remind them that he is in charge and not them. Similarly, some animals urinate on their territory to warn others that they own it, it's a similar thing with squirrel monkeys.

What is a noun that relates to a monkey?

Some nouns that relate to monkeys are:apecapuchin (capuchin monkeys)howler (howler monkey)mammalmandrillowl (owl monkey)primatespider (spider monkey)squirrel (squirrel monkey)tamarin (tamarin monkey)

Is the squirrel monkey the smallest monkey in the world?

No, there are smaller monkeys called marmosets. Some marmosets only grow to 20cm!

What do squirrel monkeys do for the rainforest?

no one cares what the crap is a squirrel monkey anyway

What does a Squirrel monkeys name mean?

it is a small monkey

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What species of monkey is in the Telus commercials?

squirrel monkeys

What is a small Abyssinian monkey called?

There are called Squirrel Monkeys. They come from South Africa and they are awesome. I want one

How did the squirrel monkey get its name?

because they are a mix of squirrels and monkeys.

What is the description of squirrel monkeys?

squirrel monkeys fur is short, there shoulders are olive colored, there back is yellowish orange , there throat and ears are white,the upper part of there head are hairy and there mouths are black, this black and white face give them the nickname "deaths head monkey"

How much do squirrel monkeys eat daily?

The squirrel monkeys eat 12 grams of food a day if my calculations are correct.squirrel monkey addict

Can squirrel monkeys only live in central America and south America?

There are many types of squirrel monkeys. The common and bare-eared squirrel monkeys dwell in central America. The black squirrel monkey ONLY dwells in Brazil, in South America. The Bolivian squirrel monkey thrives in Bolivia, South America. The red-backed squirrel monkey's habitat ranges in "south-western Costa Rica, and in Chiriqui and Veraguas provinces, northwestern Panama" Finally, the south-American squirrel monkey is found only in South America. In other words, the answer to your question is yes. The squirrel monkey is only found in southern, and central america. No North American squirrel monkeys have been discovered.