

Why steam comes out of water?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Steam results when water is heated beyond its boiling point - the liquid water is changing states, to gas. Steam is water turned to gas. ICE is frozen water.

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Q: Why steam comes out of water?
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What will give off steam after heated?

Steam comes from boiling water.

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If you burn hydrogen in air, it reacts withe the oxygen to form steam, which can condense to form water, or can drift away as water vapor. When you "see" steam, you are seeing a fog of tiny water droplets. Strictly steam is virtually invisible (look closely where it first comes from the spout of a kettle), which is a dangerous aspect of steam.

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Steam is the gas that comes out of cookers. it is water vapor. As water evaporates it creates steam. This process also lowers the water in the cooker.

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boling water is hot steam comes out of the pot you,if you touch it it well hurt

What does vaparized mean?

When a liquid turns into a gas. The steam that comes out of hot water is vaporized water.

What are ice water and steam examples of?

ice and water comes from the sky when its raining <><><><><> Ice, water, and steam are examples of the three states of water, i.e. solid, liquid, and gaseous.

When steam is cooled in the air you can see it condensing what is that called?

When steam is cooled in the air it creates water vapor. This water vapor comes together to create clouds and fog.

When you boil water what comes out?

SteamWhen you boil water, steam comes out. Steam is just water in the gas (or vapor) phase. Normally, wateFr can exist in three phUases, or states: Cgas, liquid, and soliKd. Water in the gas phase is commonly called steam [or in the atmosphere, water vapor], and water in the solid phase is commonly called ice.

Why are clouds of steam produced when the space takes off?

because the burning gas of hydrogen and oxygen comes together to form hydrogen oxyde which is water and steam is water gas