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Books have the longtime aid to people around the world be it in research or information purposes but over the pass years, we have seen that the internet has taken its place and is almost, but not entirely, replacing books.

Internet is a very affordable way of grasping knowledge. People can just type in whatever they want and have it-- mostly for free. The only downside of the Internet is that it can be changed momentarily without anyone noticing it. The information in a website may not be the same as tomorrow's.

Though the Internet has many websites (some of them full of content and other full of discontent XP), one can surf through a his/her search and find specific websites that he/she needs -- a thing books cant. You might find books for a topic but it is undoubtedly hard to know beforehand the contents of the book. You have to scrutinize the the book before you could squeeze the information you really need.

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16y ago

Primary because of time and ease of use. You don't have to go to a book store or wait for it to be delivered. The internet information can be argued to be more timely.

If you are comparing books to ebooks, ebooks can be downloaded instantly.

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12y ago

Believe it or not, society has become really lazy.

Technology today has made it more convenient for students to find what they are looking for via the internet, as it is like having their very own library with just a few clicks.

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11y ago

Internet is like a live book. It's sort of compromised from thousands of books.

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A computer obviously has more info.

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