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a primary standard should essentially available in pure form , stable towards light and heat and react in a stoichiometric proportion.

HCl is a gas which is dissolved in water to form the solution the concentration expressed is very approximate so its not a primary standard.

NaOH cannot be weighed in open air because it is highly hygroscopic.

FeSO4 under goes aerial oxidation .so all these are not used as primary standards .

but they can be used as secondary standards as the solutions have to be titrated each and every day against a primary standard.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

HCl is not a primary standard because it is a gas at room temperature and cannot be accurately weighed for preparing standard solutions. Additionally, its concentration can vary due to absorption of water vapor from the atmosphere, leading to inaccurate results in titrations.

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14y ago

because in the preparation of hydrogen gas ......granulated zinc is used n which is the purest form of zinc. if granulated zinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid .....there , a displacement reaction takes place but the purest form of zinc don't react with concentrated sulphuric acid ..... . i.e ....there will be no displacement reaction hydrogen gas will not be formed

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12y ago

It is because it absorbs moisture from air and therefore doesn't meet the criteria for a primary standard.

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Q: Why is HCl not a primary standard?
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Is hcl a primary standard or a secoundary standard?

HCl is not typically used as a primary standard because it is difficult to obtain in a pure solid form. Instead, it is usually standardized against a primary standard such as potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) or sodium carbonate.

Is hcl praimary standard or secondary standard?

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is considered a primary standard because it is a highly pure compound that can be used directly to prepare standard solutions for titrations and other analytical procedures without the need for standardization.

Why concentrated HCl is not considered as primary standard material?

Concentrated HCl is not considered a primary standard material because it tends to be hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs water from the atmosphere, leading to inaccuracies in the weighing process. Additionally, concentrated HCl can be prone to decomposition over time, which affects its stability for accurate standardization. For these reasons, it is more common to use a certified primary standard like potassium hydrogen phthalate or sodium carbonate for acid-base titrations.

Standardization of hcl solution with primary standard na2co3 solution?

To standardize an HCl solution with a primary standard Na2CO3 solution, first, prepare a Na2CO3 solution of known concentration. Then, titrate the Na2CO3 solution with the HCl solution using a suitable indicator until the equivalence point is reached. From the volume of HCl solution used and the known concentration of Na2CO3, you can calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution.

How do you standardization 1N hcl?

To standardize 1N HCl (hydrochloric acid), you would typically use a primary standard base, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), of known concentration to titrate the HCl solution. By carefully titrating the HCl with the NaOH, you can determine the exact concentration of the HCl solution. This information can then be used to adjust the concentration of the HCl solution as needed to make it accurately 1N.

Related questions

Is hcl a primary standard or a secoundary standard?

HCl is not typically used as a primary standard because it is difficult to obtain in a pure solid form. Instead, it is usually standardized against a primary standard such as potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) or sodium carbonate.

Is hcl praimary standard or secondary standard?

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is considered a primary standard because it is a highly pure compound that can be used directly to prepare standard solutions for titrations and other analytical procedures without the need for standardization.

What is the primary standard solution for checking normality of Hcl?


Why concentrated HCl is not considered as primary standard material?

Concentrated HCl is not considered a primary standard material because it tends to be hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs water from the atmosphere, leading to inaccuracies in the weighing process. Additionally, concentrated HCl can be prone to decomposition over time, which affects its stability for accurate standardization. For these reasons, it is more common to use a certified primary standard like potassium hydrogen phthalate or sodium carbonate for acid-base titrations.

Standardization of hcl solution with primary standard na2co3 solution?

To standardize an HCl solution with a primary standard Na2CO3 solution, first, prepare a Na2CO3 solution of known concentration. Then, titrate the Na2CO3 solution with the HCl solution using a suitable indicator until the equivalence point is reached. From the volume of HCl solution used and the known concentration of Na2CO3, you can calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution.

How do you standardization 1N hcl?

To standardize 1N HCl (hydrochloric acid), you would typically use a primary standard base, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), of known concentration to titrate the HCl solution. By carefully titrating the HCl with the NaOH, you can determine the exact concentration of the HCl solution. This information can then be used to adjust the concentration of the HCl solution as needed to make it accurately 1N.

Why would NaOH not be used as a primary standard in the standardization of HCl with Borax?

NaOH cannot be used as a primary standard because it is hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs moisture from the air and its concentration can change over time. This makes it unsuitable for accurate and precise standardization. Borax, on the other hand, can be used as a primary standard because it is a stable, solid substance with a known formula weight that can be accurately weighed.

What is the common primary standard used in the laboratory to standardize of NaOH and HCl?

The common primary standard used to standardize NaOH and HCl solutions is potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP). KHP is a solid acid that can be accurately weighed and dissolved in water for titration with the NaOH or HCl solution.

Which other primary standard can be used to standardize sodium hydroxide other than KHP?

Another primary standard that can be used to standardize sodium hydroxide is potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHC8H4O4).

What primary standard is used to titrate against potassium hydroxide?

The primary standard commonly used to titrate against potassium hydroxide is potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP). It is a stable compound with a well-defined molar mass, making it suitable for accurately determining the concentration of a solution of potassium hydroxide.

How do you standardize 0.5 m hcl?

To standardize 0.5 M HCl, you would typically titrate it using a primary standard solution such as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). By titrating a known volume of the HCl with the sodium carbonate solution and using the mole ratio between the two, you can calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. This process ensures that the concentration of the 0.5 M HCl is accurate for future use in experiments.

What is the symbol for hydrochloric acid?

The chemical formula (not symbol) of hydrogen chloride is HCl; for a diluted solution you can use "HCl dil." but this isn't a standard formula.