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Q: Why support is needed in terrestrial life?
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How terrestrial is Mars?

mars is not terrestrial enough to support human life inthe easy way like earth does...

What terrestrial planet support life?

That, of course, is Earth, or 'Terra' in Latin.

What is needed to support life as you know it?


Is Mars terrestrial?

yet there is no proof that there was any life on mars. but it is terrestrial as it has water and all the vital nutrients needed for life but it wont support life because its atmosphere is way too thin and it's pressure is so low that blood would boil at normal body temperature.

What is terrestrial resource?

I need government, societal, and global support for terrestrial resource

What is terrestrial resource issue?

I need government, societal, and global support for terrestrial resource

Is there any life on terrestrial planets?

Some do. Three of the four terrestrial planets in the solar system have atmospheres: Venus, Earth, and Mars. Only Mercury lacks an atmosphere.

What is the important basic resources needed to support life?


What happens once life support is disconnected?

Generally, the person dies. Specifically, it depends on the type of support and the reason it is needed.

What does terrestrial's means?

"Terrestrial" means "pertaining to land". The word comes from the latin root "terre" (pronounced "tare"), meaning "land", and is related to the word "terrain".

What is a terrestrial carnivore?

A terrestrial carnivore is an animal that primarily eats meat and lives on land as opposed to in water or air. These carnivores typically hunt and consume other animals for sustenance. Examples include lions, wolves, and bears.

Why is mars called at terrestrial planet if there no life for it to be called a terrestrial planet?

terrestrial planet doesn't mean it has life, it just means its made of rocks (like mercury, venus, earth- the other terrestrial planets) and not gas (like jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune.)