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Q: Why teaching nursing and secretarial Job is perfect for women?
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What kind of jobs were common for womens in the 1950s?

Common occupations for women in the 1950s included: * Secretarial work * Telephonists * Nursing * Teaching * Catering

What were some occupations open to women in Colonial America?

Teaching, nursing, cooking, midwifery. to name a few.

What could women do in the 1800's?

Women could do several things in the 1800's. Some women practiced nursing, teaching, seamstress, and others were just mothers and housewives.

Why have certain occupations such as elementary teaching and nursing historically heen dominated by women?

Historically, certain occupations like elementary teaching and nursing have been associated with caregiving roles traditionally assigned to women. Societal norms and gender stereotypes have shaped these professions as more suitable for women, leading to their domination by female workers. Additionally, lower pay and status compared to male-dominated fields have also contributed to the disproportionate representation of women in these occupations.

Which was an expectation of women in the early nineteenth century?

Women were expected to take care of the household in the early nineteenth century. However, for families that needed a second income, teaching and nursing were two professionals that women could choose to go into.

What were women able to do before the war?

The primary occupations of women before World War 1 were teaching and nursing. Of course, there were exceptions to this, but the war did create the opportunity for women to work in factories and other jobs that had typically been held by men.

What type of work did women do in 1913?

There were of course the traditional, poorly paid jobs, such as: * Domestic servants * Agricultural labour, which included everything from milking and working in the fields to making butter and cheese, curing ham and so on. (These last were usually slightly better paid * Cleaning, laudering, etc * Waitresses (but the upmarket restaurants had waiters), bar maids ... Jobs for women with the appropriate qualifications included: * Teaching (with a big difference in status and pay between elementary school teachers and those with degrees at high schools * Nursing * Secretarial work (again huge differences in pay and status between the basic secretarial work, such as copying and taking dictation, and those involving administration.

What does Ursuline mean to Catholics?

Ursuline means a religious order of women who were founded by St. Angela Merici (1470-1540) at Brescia in 1535 for nursing the sick and teaching girls.

What efects did this have on the women of World War 2?

Women gladly stepped up the challenge of helping out with the war effort. Women found jobs manufacturing war supplies, in nursing, and in teaching. They sent supplies to their loved ones fighting in the war. This made them independent and proud.

Are there Older women in nursing?


Why did so many ancient cultures show pregnant and nursing women in art?

how did some anicent culture show pregnant or nursing women

What occupation in great Britain is Eighty-eight percent of workers are women?

Nursing. Eighty-eight percent of workers in nursing in Great Britain are women.