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The history that most Europeans have of early Asian exploration is extremely limited. There is strong evidence that they did as much (and possibly more) exploration as Europeans have done over the same period of time. The sea routes though for Europeans would be different then we would expect most Asian groups to have done.

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Q: Why the Europeans and not the Asians set out to explore the new sea routes?
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Why did Europeans begin to explore new sea routes to Asia?

To find a route to Asia.

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The Europeans explored the New World with ships.

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Europeans were motivated to explore by a desire for wealth, power, and prestige, driven by competition among European nations, a desire for new trade routes to Asia, and religious motivations, including spreading Christianity. Additionally, the search for new lands and resources played a role in motivating exploration.

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Which continents did Europeans seek new trade routes in the 1400s?

not answered yet

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Because they wanted to make money and they wanted to trade.

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What country wanted to explore the new sea routes?

Spain and Portugal were the two main countries that sought to explore new sea routes during the Age of Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries. They were driven by a desire to find faster and more efficient trade routes to Asia.