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Q: Why the Sojourner Truth speech changed over time?
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What did Sojourner Truth do to be famous?

Sojourner truth was a slave. She was famous because she made a speech called 'Ain't I A women?' and helped free black slaves all over America. When the slaves she took with her complained, she held a gun to their head until they stopped (which was immediately).

Who was sojourner truth's role model?

sojourner truth role model was god god watched over her through out the process of traveling, finding a home

How many slaves did Sojourner Truth save?

Its a possibility of over 50 or more.

Why is sojourner truth so famous?

Sojourner Truth was born into slavery and did not get out until over 30 years later. She was a black American freedom fighter. She is remembered for her struggle for freedom and her dedication to women and their rights. She was a suffragist who gave her famous "Ain't I a Woman" speech at the Seneca Falls Convection in 1851. She spoke out for women's rights and against slavery.

Who spoke out against slavery in the US?

Sojourner Truth spoke against slavery all over the US

How old is Sojourner Truth now?

Sojourner Truth passed away in 1883, so she would be over 200 years old if she were alive today.

What did Sojourner Truth most women of the day were not allowed to do?

she lectured to audiences

What did Sojourner Truth do after her fifth child died?

after the death of her child ...which she never got over it...went to help slaves escape...was a speaker in god.

Did Sojourner Truth get married?

There is no concrete evidence that Sojourner Truth was legally married. She was in a common-law marriage with a man named Thomas, with whom she had five children, but they were not legally married.

Does Sojourner Truth wear glasses?

Sojourner ( which roughly means religious traveller or pilgrim) Truth was a nineteenth century abolitionist.l who knows if she wore specs. It is over l40 plus years in the past- the abolitionist movement went on after the Civil War had finished- as there was, and is much work to be done on what is now called the Civil Rights front. Women in the public eye generally do not want to advertise anything that might be considered a handicap. this was true then as well as now.

When was soujorner truth born?

Sojourner Truth was born in 1797 (exact date unknown) and died on November 26, 1883. She was 85 or 86 years old. Some confusion on this point has persisted over the years because a stone erected on her burial site incorrectly claimed that she was "aged about 105 years."

Why have interpretations of the First Amendment changed over time?

It shows an increasing willingness to restrict free speech during a time of war.(Apex)