

Why the Titanic is called its name?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Because it was the most "titanic" ship there was.

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Q: Why the Titanic is called its name?
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Titanic was always called Titanic. Are you actually asking about the Britannic, which was originally named Gigantic?

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The last song played on the Titanic was called, "Autumn"

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Why did they call the SS Titanic by that name?

The adjective "titanic" comes from the Greek gods called the Titans, who were a powerful ruling race. Titanic was an immense ship for its time and was considered to be a "ruler" of the seas. It had two sister ships; one was called Olympic, also in honor of the Greek gods, and the other was Brittanic, in honor of England and its symbol Britannia.It was also custom for White Star ships to have names ending in ' ic ' like the Titanic's sister ship 'Olympic'

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it was called the RMS Carpathia.

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An adjective meaning huge from the name of a group in greek mythology?

In Greek mythology the Titans people were giants. The adjective meaning huge comes from that name and is called titanic.

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Is the Titanic called a she?

Yes, the Titanic is called a "she", all ships are referred to as "she", and "her".

What did they call the Titanic?

its called the titanic becasue Titanic means big and tough and its undescructable. its called the titanic becasue Titanic means big and tough and its undescructable.

Did the Titanic have a proper name insted of the Titanic?

In Greek Mythology, the Titans were powerful god's called the "elder god's" that ruled the earth. They were overthrown by the Olympians. A Titan was a symbol of mightiness and power. The White Star Line chose the name Titanic due to it being the largest ship in the world at the time of its launching. "Titanic" is the only official name of the ship.

What was the real name of the Titanic?

R.M.S. Titanic