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Q: Why the control of Louisiana was so important to the french and spanish and the Americans?
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Which European power had control of the Louisiana colony when the major waves of acadian immigrants arrived in Louisiana?

The Spanish had control over Louisiana

Which acquisition secured control of the North Americans longest river added substantially to the native American spanish and french populations of the country?

Louisiana Purchase

What did bernardo de galvez have to do with the american revolution?

he was the spanish governer of louisiana and aided the americans.

Who is Bernardo de Galves?

Bernardo DE Galvez was a Spanish general in Louisiana who helped the Americans by sending muskets and gun powder.

Why was Bernardo de Gálvez in the war of independence?

Bernardo de Galves was the Spanish governor of Louisiana Who aided the Americans in the American Revolution

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the most important contribution of the americans in the philippines was education..

Which country controlled the land west of the louisiana purchase?

the spanish had control of the mississippi river in 1764

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they opened the pacific ocean for spanish exploration and control.

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When did the Spanish rule Louisiana?

From 1762 until 1 October 1800 when it was returned to France in the Third Treaty of San Ildefonso but this treaty was kept a secret. The Spanish retained control until 30 November 1803 just a few weeks before France and the US concluded the Louisiana Purchase.

What did the Spanish do to control or culturally assimilate the Native Americans?

missions were built and the europeans tried to convert the Indians though religion

How do you say im from natchitoches Louisiana in Spanish?

Soy de Natchitoches, Louisiana.