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Q: Why the digestive juice backward and forward movement across the internal wall of the organ?
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What processes in which food within the small intestine is mixed with digestive juices by backward and forward movement across the internal wall of the organ?

The action is carried out by peristaltic waves.

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The process by which food within the small intestine is mixed with digestive juices by backward and forward movement across the internal wall of the organ is called?

Segmental movement is the special type of mixing movement that pushes chyme back and forth in the small intestine. This motion lets it mix more completely with intestinal juices. In contrast, peristalsis, which is less common in the small intestine than segmental movement, is a one way movement of the chyme towards the large intestine.

What is hing?

A hinge joint is a joint that allows forward and backward movement. Your elbow and knee are hinge joints.

What is the hing joint?

The hinge joint is a type of synovial joint that allows movement in one plane only, like a hinge on a door. Examples of hinge joints include the elbow and the knee joints. These joints allow for flexion and extension movements.

What is the difference of backward and forward linkages?

Froward Linkages - When one industry or sector produces the raw materials for another, this is referred to as the forward linkage. Forward movement of the activity Backward Linkages - Means that one industry has to depend upon another industry that is not directly related to it for services.

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What is one dimensional motion?

Examples: -- up and down, but not sideways or forward and backward -- forward and backward, but not sideways or up and down -- left and right, but not forward and backward or up and down

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Forward bending or flexion, backward bending or extension. Side to side bending or lateral flexion and rotation.