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Q: Why the first time you get a disease it is a far worse than the second time?
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In court proceedings is first or second worse?

Since the question was put into the Crime and Criminal Law category, the answer is given in that context. First is worse than second in the sense that a crime of the first degree is worse than a crime of the second degree. First degree murder will call for a more severe penalty than will second degree murder.

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Osgood schlatters disease is in fact worse than Achilles hell much worse

Is there one word that means worse than?

The phrase 'worse than' is used in a comparative sentence.His writing is worse than mine.Words like inferior or second-rate can substitute for the phrase 'worse than'.His writing is inferior to mine.

Does the gardisel shot hurt?

The Gardasil shot hurts worse than almost any other shot I can think of. I got all three rounds of Gardasil last year. I got three other shots at the time of the first Gardasil (flu shot, tetanus shot, and meningitis), and the first Gardasil hurt worse than any of them. The second shot hurt worse than the first one, and the third one hurt worse than the second and the first one. It is worth it though, cancer is even worse. If you are getting the Gardasil shots, ask the nurse or doctor to inject a local anesthesia before the actual vaccine so that it doesn't hurt as bad.

Did the Liberal party of Canada ever finished worse than second in a federal election?

no they haven't since the party was founded, (in 1867 I beleive) they have always come first or second.

Which is worse crohn disease or irritable bowel syndrone?

There is no decisive answer to this question. The answer would depend on which of these diseases you have been diagnosed with. The disease you suffer from, be it IBD or Crohns would always be far worse than one you do not experience.

Does heart disease worst in the past or the present?

Heart disease is worse in the present than in the past. First: people are living longer. That means hearts have more time to degenerate. Second: people are fatter. That means fat is clogging arteries leading to the heart. Third: People are walking less. That causes the arteries to lose flexibility and become harder. The only positive feature is that people are smoking less. That causes less damage. So, getting older, fatter, and lazier makes heart disease worse.

Which is worse first or second degree burns?

There are four degrees of frostbite, first being the least severe, fourth being the most. First degree is burning or throbbing pain, second is numbness, third shows broken blisters, and fourth actually looks mummified. ■

What disease is worse than green cough in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter?

The three types of coughs are, in order: Whitecough (A bit worse than the average cold), Greencough (sometimes Fatal in Elders and Kits, deadly) and Blackcough (Worse than greencough, small chance of survival.)

Start a sentence with Worse?

Worse things had happened before. Worse for wear the drunken youth could not get to his feet. Worse than that what was first thought, the damage had spread to the building next door. worse than one homework is 10 homework

What disease is 4000 times more infectious than HIV?

well, assuming that when paul Simon was in Africa, he started, the aids virus to kill off the africans, there is no disease is worse than the moster paul Simon created.

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No,now there is alot of awareness about it than when it started