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Q: Why the government of a country may discourage migration to urban areas 3 reasons why?
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What are two reasons for Bantu migration?

Drought and famine are two reasons for Bantu migration

What makes you migration?

Reasons to migrate can include war, politics or economical reasons.

What is the Difference between Labor mobility and migration?

Labour mobility suggests leaving one country or area to go to where there is work. Migration is just leaving one country for another, could be for any number of reasons: retirement, health, family, work, improved benefits, etc.

What is the meaning of internal migration?

Internal migration refers to the movement of people within a country from one place to another for various reasons such as better job opportunities, education, or quality of life. It does not involve crossing international borders.

Three Reasons Why Government wont to stop Brain Drain?

three reasons the government would want to stop brain drain are -the government needs their good people/workers to have a succcesful country -

What were the reasons for forced migration in Sudan?

they didnt like it

What were the reasons for the founding of Virginia?

To secure a profit and to discourage Spanish Florida from northward expansion.

What are some examples of migration in humans?

Well, you can move for lots of reasons. Like war, religion, natural disasters, jobs, government, family and that sort of thing. Animals usually move for reasons like weather. Humans do too sometimes.

Is Madagascar an unstable country?

Yes, I don't know if you mean the land but the government is. This is mainly for money reasons

What is the most common international migration patter?

Well, there can be any pattern. Most immigrants just come to other countries in search of a better life. Others, well, do it for reasons against the government.

What is intra regional migration?

Intra-regional migration refers to the movement of people from one area or region within a country or continent to another area or region within the same country or continent. It involves individuals relocating from one part of a region to another due to various factors such as job opportunities, better living conditions, or family reasons.

The primary reason for migration between India and Pakistan in 1947 was?

economic reasons