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It doesnt, the echange surfaces of the lungs get their very own circulaiton in the pulmonary circulation. The nonexchange surfaces in the lungs (the bronchi etc) are supplied with oxgen and nutrients in the systemic circulation.

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13y ago

The lungs in the fetus are not yet prepared to inflate and undergo respiration therefore blood is shunted away from them through shunts in the heart which then close before birth. Fetal lungs would be damaged without these shunts.

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16y ago

Because the mother's body is providing respiration and hepatic functions for the fetus.

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Q: Why the lungs are largely bypassed by the circulating blood in the fetus?
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Why is pulmonary circuit bypassed in the fetal circulation?

The pulmonary circuit is commonly bypassed in fetal circulation. This is because fresh blood is provided by the mother to the fetus.

Which organ is bypassed in the special circulation pathways of a fetus?

The liver is partialy bypassed

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blood flow from the mother to the fetus

How is the circulation of a different from the circulation of a baby?

in a fetus blood does not reach the lungs for purification. In a baby blood goes to the lungs for oxygenation.

What is the function of the placental?

it is the interface between the fetus and the mother's blood supply it acts like a filter - supplying nutrients to the fetus and disposing of waste material from the fetus to the mother all of this without actually mixing the blood of the fetus and the mother

How is the circulation of a fetus different a from the circulation of a baby?

in a fetus blood does not reach the lungs for purification. In a baby blood goes to the lungs for oxygenation.

How is the circulations of a fetus different from the circulation of a baby?

in a fetus blood does not reach the lungs for purification. In a baby blood goes to the lungs for oxygenation.

What is hemolytic fetalis?

A hemolytic disease of the newborn that is characterized by an increase in circulating red blood cells and by jaundice and that occurs when the system of an Rh-negative mother produces antibodies to an antigen in the blood of an Rh-positive fetus which cross the placenta and destroy fetal red blood cells, called also hemolytic disease of the newborn.

How does a baby die in amniotic fluid?

Sometimes fetus is genetically abnormal and dies. Sometimes there is knot in the umbilical cord leading to less blood supply to fetus and then fetus dies. Some times there is partial separation of placenta and blood supply to fetus is hampered. And then fetus dies.

What carries oxygenated blood to the developing fetus?

The umbilical cord, which carries oxygenated blood to the fetus and waste away from the fetus. The belly button is where the cord was attached to the developing baby.

Can a fetus survive when mother is a and fetus is b blood group?

Yes, there is no danger to the fetus is the mother is type A and baby is type B