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A bed of nails works using weight distribution.

Think of it this way. You can press your fingertip lightly on a nail without it hurting. If you put the other end of the nail on a scale and then press, you can see how many pounds of pressure you can put on one nail without it hurting you. Don't press too hard!

Supporting Weight

Suppose the answer is one pound. You can press down on a nail until the scale reads one pound, and beyond that you don't want to press any harder.

Okay, one pound of pressure per nail is safe for you. So, if you weigh one hundred pounds, you can lie on a bed with at least one hundred nails on it and not be hurt.

That's because each nail is supporting only one pound---your weight is evenly distributed.

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Q: Why the magician is not hurt when he lies in a bed of nails?
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How comes a fakir man can lie on a bed of nails with out getting hurt?

Because there are so many nails that each one only has to carry a little weight, small enough not to hurt the skin. It's like walking barefoot on gravel - uncomfortable but it doesn't hurt you. One piece, sticking up - that'd hurt though.

What is a Fakir bed?

i think its a bed of nails

What man in the bible slept on a bed of nails?

No one is recorded in the Bible as sleeping on a bed of nails.

What is the duration of Bed of Lies?

The duration of Bed of Lies is 1.5 hours.

Why does stepping on a nail hurt more than lying on a bed of nails?

It's all about pressures. If you step on ONE nail, then that nail has to carry ALL your weight, so it goes into your skin. If you lay on a bed of nails then every nail only has to carry a fraction of your weight, which your skin can take.

When was Bed of Lies created?

Bed of Lies was created on 1992-01-20.

Why can a person lie in a bed of nails?

A person can lie down on a bed of nails as the bed is large and the force is distributed evenly on the bed. Thus, making a much smaller pressure.

What type of bed is best for sex?

that would be a bed of nails

Which is lesser pain standing in a bed of nails or lying in a bed of nails?

I would say that lying on a bed of nails would be less painful, as your weight would be more evenly distributed over a larger surface area.

Who invented the bed of nails?


Why don't the nails at the Bed of Nails poke through your skin?

They are too closely spaced.

Someone who sleeps on a bed of nails?
