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mass is the amount of matter (stuff) you're made out of, so it won't change

unless you add or subtract something.

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Q: Why the mass does not change from place to place?
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What are science facts about weight?

you can measure weight by a scale. weight could change from place to place like if you go to the moon you will weigh less because there is less gravitational pull on you. it basically depends on mass and mass is the amount of matter an object is made of. mass does not change so on the moon your mass does not change it's your weight that changes

Does the mass change from place to another?

mass of a body doesn't change but your weight (as defined by the pull of gravity) will change if you go to space or to another planet with different gravitational pull than ours

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The Law of Conservation of MASS, ENERGY, and CHARGE

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The answer is mass. The Law of Conservation of Mass states that when a chemical or physical change takes place, you end up with the same amount of mass that you started in. It may just be in a different state, such as a gas.

Would your mass change on the moon and why not?

Mass is the measurement of the amount of stuff that makes up an object. Your mass belongs to you. It doesn't depend on where you are, or on anything about the place where you are, or on what's around you. It goes wherever you go and it doesn't change. Your weight is the result of your mass and the other masses in the place where you are, so it changes as you go around visiting different neighborhoods, such as the surface of the moon.

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Mass does not change with temperature

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When you travel from the planet Earth to another place, such as the International Space Station or the moon, your mass would remain the same but your weight would change.

What stays the same in a physical change?

The chemical nature/identity of the substance stays the same when a physical change takes place.

How is gravity and mass related?

Mass is a property almost all matter has. It does not change from place to place, it is always constant. It is measured in Kg. Gravity is the effect mass has on other mass. It is the effect 2 (or more) bodies of mass drawn to each other. Gravity is measured in m/(s^2), this is a unit of acceleration.

How do you find force given mass and change in velocity Equations please?

There is not enough information. Force = Mass*Acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. This requires information on change in velocity as well as the time over which the change took place. There is no information at all on the latter.

What change first take place after the main sequence?

Determining wither it is a high or low mass star.

Does mass change in a physical change?

In this case mass doesn't change.